8 Ways to Train Your Children for the Future ...


8 Ways to Train Your Children for the Future ...
8 Ways to Train Your Children for the Future ...

Children's education is more important now than ever as we step into 2024, a year that promises to be jam-packed with technology, change, and, let’s face it, a heavy dose of unpredictability. Trust me, I’ve spent my fair share of evenings googling how to keep my little ones ahead of the game while also holding onto sanity. It can be a daunting task. Just last week, my seven-year-old casually asked me what AI ethics were - I had to double-check to confirm that yes, he’s still seven. The point is our kids are growing up in a world where skills and knowledge are rapidly evolving.

At the dinner table, it’s common for parents like me to discuss how to develop critical thinking and instill a love for lifelong learning in our kids. You see, it’s not just about memorizing the periodic table anymore; it’s about knowing why you might need to know it in the first place! Chapters like "Fostering Creativity and Innovation" highlight just how crucial it is to equip children with the ability to think outside the box. The conversational piece on “building emotional intelligence” is a game-changer. You'll learn that teaching kids how to manage and understand their emotions can significantly impact their future success. Trust me, avoiding meltdowns—yours and theirs—has never been more important.

We all want our kids to be prepared for a world that’s as unpredictable as a raccoon on a sugar rush. You can’t predict everything, but you can provide them with tools to adapt and thrive. This makes teaching resilience a must. You know, bouncing back after failing a test or not being picked for a team. Just last month, my own daughter stumbled while presenting at her school debate club. She was gutted, I was gutted, but, armed with lessons from "Encouraging Leadership Qualities", she bounced back like a pro.

In 2024, the gig economy and remote work are redefining professional landscapes, making concepts like “entrepreneurial spirit” not just nice-to-haves but absolute necessities. Start small, with lemonade stands or coding boot camps for kids. My son’s lemonade stand is now a local legend—thank you, entrepreneurial skills! Also, financial literacy for children can no longer be overlooked. Teaching the little rascals about earning and saving is just as important as teaching them to ride a bike.

As we buckle up for 2024, there's never been a better time to re-evaluate what we're teaching our kids. And, with the right guidance and a sprinkle of humor, ensuring they’re ready for whatever the future hurls at them, be it flying cars or talking refrigerators, becomes an achievable mission.

Snapshot Survey

What's your go-to comfort food?

1. Take Care of Earth

Litter-bugs are everywhere! Trash piles up just about every place you go. Our children need to be trained that just like there is a place for everything at home, there is a place for everything out and about as well, and that includes trash. Show them that, while it may take 3 more steps, it is much better to go the extra step and throw the bottle in the trashcan than to throw it out of the window into the ditch on the way home. Teach them that it is important to pick up trash when they see it, rather than leaving it for "someone else" because "someone else" is usually "no one else." Our environment depends on how well we take care of it, so as you train children for the future, teach them to love our earth!

2. Manners

It has never hurt for a boy or girl to show manners while out in public, and it certainly will not hurt to continue. I fear, if we continue the path we are currently taking, 50 years from now (or even less, probably), manners will be something completely unheard of. Teach your boys to be gentlemen and your girls to be ladies. What if your son or daughter becomes president? Would you honestly want them acting like some of our teenagers and young adults act now? Why not teach your kids to sit down and eat at the table like civilized human beings? Why not teach your children to respect their elders and each other?

3. Work

I know that our economy is in a rough spot and it's hard for some to hold a job because of that. I am completely aware of that. But are you aware that it is becoming a problem for many young adults to even hold a job? Some can't get out of bed at a decent hour because they have partied all night and are late to work so much they get fired. Others can't hold a job because they don't know what they are doing. And still yet, there are some who just don't care. Where would we be if everyone were that way? Where will we be if these workless kids have kids that will not work? Teach them that it is good to work and hold a job. Teach them good work ethics.

4. Good Decisions Count

Every action has a reaction. Every choice has a consequence. Will our future leaders understand this when they are making decisions that will affect our country? You could very well have a little senator, judge or congressman in your arms right now. You could even have a president! Will he or she know that every decision they make should be done only after carefully weighing the possible outcome? Will they know to stop and think before deciding?

5. Education is Important

Would you believe that there are teenagers that do not know that "1 dozen" is the same as "12"? I kid you not! You would be shocked to find out just how little our youth know today! Why? Because sports and entertainment have taken the place of education. Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't let your child be involved in sports, or watch television or anything like that. Just be sure to make sure that they are not so caught up in the extra things that they fail to learn the basics of education. Help them understand the importance of reading, writing and arithmetic. It is very important!

6. Eating Healthy

Obesity is on the rise in our country. Eating healthy, home-cooked meals are a thing of the past, for the most part. Remember and teach that greens are good for us, lots of healthy proteins and less of the snack foods, junk foods and things that are bad for us. Forget going for the "easy" all the time and focus on the "best" for you and your family. They will learn from you.

7. Debt is Dangerous

When you owe someone, you are basically a slave to them. Teach your children that debt is something that should be avoided as much as can be done. Teach them to work for things, rather than splurge on a credit card and go all out on things that they ultimately cannot afford. It seems to be the "norm" for people to go into credit card debt for what would equal almost half of their paycheck. One of the greatest lessons that can be taught to a child is to live within his means.

8. Slow down

I swear, if our life gets any faster paced, I'm going to be dizzy! We seem to be running somewhere almost non-stop. Our home is nothing more than a motel room for showers and bed at night! Slow down! Teach your children that you just have to have days for doing nothing at all. It isn't healthy for a human body to be running constantly. We need rest and time to revive. Ever wonder why the "old folks" lived longer than we seem to now? Maybe it is because they lived much more slowly...

Our children deserve the very best preparation we can give them. And as you train children for the future, remember that your child learns the most by your example! What do you think? I would love to hear from you! Please comment below and give me your opinion!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You miss a very important one, 9. Be happy on your own.

Thank you for putting Manners on that list!!

Great article! With the world being such a very different place it is soo important! And people wonder why all of these horrible

things happen. Be old school when raising your children, help out and pay attention to what other children in your neighborhood/community are doing. It is your business! All of this "it's not my business" BS is another huge factor in the increase of negative behavior etc. Keep spreading your well written message!!

Very Well Written !


My grandma taught me to be a lady. And ladies attract gentlemen. I believe the most important lesson to teach children is that they are a part of the world they live in, and have responsibility towards it and its inhabitants -all of them!

Struggling to share this, clicking Facebook but nothing happens? Wondering if anyone has had this problem please? Think its really good information for people to be reading. Work with so many families who reinforce negative messages through the generations! Trends need to be broken if society is going to improve! Many thanks!

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