8 Moral Values to Teach Your Children ...


8 Moral Values to Teach Your Children ...
8 Moral Values to Teach Your Children ...

The moral values to teach your children are super-important in the kind of person they will grow up to be.

Raising a family in a society that is fast-paced and ever changing can make it confusing to know just which values to teach your children. As a general rule, it’s up to you to teach your children what to believe, and how they should live their lives. But when it comes to teaching and instilling moral values, I’d love to pass on a few values to teach your children from a young age. These are simple and common everyday values that are quickly fading from our younger generation. Read on to discover what they are and I've added videos that will help you answer the question of how to teach moral values to your children.

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1. Respect

One of the most important values to teach your children is respect. Having worked in several daycare facilities, I’ve seen children who have no respect for authority at all. It’s exasperating to the teacher, and to the parent when they arrive to pick up their kids. By teaching your kids respect, you are doing the world, yourself, and your child a favor! Life will go much easier for them with a little respect under their hat.

2. Obedience

Obedience is something that doesn’t come naturally, for any of us! It seems more “fun” to want to break the rules, doesn’t it? Kids see it this way too, so you must be firm and consistent. You can reward good behavior to give your children incentive to be obedient. And be patient, sometimes this one takes a while to catch on!

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3. Politeness

Remembering to say “please” and “thank you” isn’t a difficult task, but if kids are never taught or reminded, they will never do it. As adults, we all know that sugar attracts more flies than vinegar! So start teaching these morals from the start and they will come naturally.

4. Responsibility

Believe it or not, children can be taught responsibility from a young age! You don’t need to be overbearing about it, but giving your kids easy chores to do, like picking up their toys, putting away their clean laundry, or helping clear the table helps instill discipline and responsibility, two traits that will be helpful later on in life. Another way to teach responsibility is to make sure your kids brush their teeth or do their homework without being reminded.

5. Humility

I know this one may sound a little strange, but humility is an important aspect of life that we often overlook. Having humility has to do with not being prideful over accomplishments and achievements, but for children, it’s more about knowing to say they are sorry for acting up or doing something they shouldn’t. A good parent will always teach their child to apologize when they are wrong!

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6. Good Manners

Good manners may not necessarily be a moral value per se, but you will find that for the most part, good manners are sorely lacking in the young people of today’s generation. It’s not always because the parent doesn’t teach the child; sometimes it can be due to other kids at school or daycare who have an influence on your child. Make sure to set a good example for manners at home and try to push through any influences that may be overshadowing your small one’s life.


Moral values are an important part of raising children. They are the foundation of their character and will shape how they interact with the world around them. Teaching children good manners is one of the most important moral values parents can instill in their children. Good manners help children to develop respect for themselves and others, as well as a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Good manners start at home. Parents should model good manners and expect their children to follow suit. This includes saying please and thank you, introducing themselves to adults, and not interrupting when someone else is speaking. Parents can also teach their children the importance of respecting other people’s property, being on time, and being polite to those around them.

Parents should also encourage their children to be aware of their surroundings. This includes being mindful of how their actions and words affect those around them. Teaching children to be mindful of their body language and facial expressions is also important.

7. Friendliness

You will find that friendliness comes naturally to most kids; it’s just their trusting nature! This is a good thing, but remember to keep a close eye on your little one and teach them the dangers of talking to strangers. Encourage friendliness and socializing when possible, this will help them down the road as they get older.

8. Honesty

We’ve all heard it said, “Honesty is the best policy.” It’s as true today as it ever was! If you teach your children honesty from a small age, you won’t need to worry about it as they get older. One struggle that parents face is wondering how to deal with a child that will not tell the truth. If you start teaching honesty as a moral value right away, you will have no need to worry about it!

With my own sweet baby on the way, these are all moral values that I plan to teach my own child. We all have different styles of parenting, and each one is great in its own way. These morals will be helpful to your child as they become an adolescent, and on into adulthood. What moral values do you think are imperative to teach a small child?

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I also think parents should teach they're children acceptance. My mother has taught me to be accepting of other races, religions, etc. However, my father is somewhat prejudice against certain religions no matter the person. I've had to block that part out to learn tolerance and acceptance of all people.

Parents teach these morals by words as well as by actions .

one hell of learning material abt kids and stuff hats off

Those are all good values to teach out kids, most importantly, we as parents should live those values and practice them through our daily life. Kids watch and learn by what we do , not what we preach....

These are all excellent and very important values to teach children, but you have to remember that it's not enough to just start teaching them in toddlerhood and lighten up in later years. You have to keep it up throughout childhood adolescence. My mother did a terrible disservice to me. She never taught me manners or courtesy at home. In fact, she was pretty rude and demanding with me unless we had guests, which wasn't often. Then if she ran into someone she knew when we were out in public, I'd tune out while they were yapping (I'm hearing impaired and have inattentive-type ADD) and when she would finally introduce the person to me, she would embarrass me by saying my name angrily when I didn't respond. It came to where I would wander away when she ran into people because from my perspective, running into someone she knew meant I was in trouble and I didn't know why. Sadly, I didn't teach my daughters manners either because I didn't know any better, but thankfully, a family friend intervened and they grew up well-mannered in spite of my mother and me. My second-eldest, who inherited my ADD, benefitted the most from my friend's intervention and so has her son. Now, I make sure to to reinforce those manners with all my grandchildren because, as someone with ADD (where social skills can suffer and are vitally important to teach and reinforce), I learned the hard way how important they are. In a world where manners and respect are becoming lost values and children are using profanity with impunity, I feel it's crucial more than ever before to teach our children all of these things to give them a real advantage in life. And yes, setting the example is vitally important. You won't get these things from your children if you don't give them to your children. I didn't get these things from my mother and when I learned the word "hypocrite" and what it meant, she was the first person I thought of. Don't be that kind of mother. Be the kind your children will always look up to. Admit it when you're wrong and apologize. Be an approachable and askable parent and if you don't have the answers, get them. Better they get the right ones from you than the wrong ones from the wrong source because they're afraid to ask you. You would be surprised how afraid kids are to ask their parents about things you would rather they they ask you, especially when it comes to sex (it gets easier to talk about that with your kids, believe me--if you don't, they will experiment). And the most important lesson I've learned as a parent when it comes to honesty, humility, and responsibility: don't be afraid to admit to your past mistakes. After all, we're only human, we all make them, and we make them to learn from. Your kids will admire you more for being honest about what you did wrong as a teenager and what you learned from it than they will if you pretend you were perfect and they find out later (and they always do) that you lied to them by maintaining that pretense. If you do the latter, it will keep them from trusting you in the future and everything you've taught them in the past about values, fill them with shame about their own mistakes, and lead them to fear your judgment if they're honest with you about those mistakes so they won't turn to you for support when they need it most. Better to be honest with them about your past to begin with so they know they can turn to you and that you're the last person in the world who will judge them because you've been in their shoes. They're your children and they will love you unconditionally no matter what you did decades ago (as long as your actions always prove you feel the same about them beyond what your words can). Make sure they know that you're the kind of parent who isn't so filled with "god-like perfection" that you will do the same for them when they need it most. If you mess up, it's never too late to admit it, apologize, and start doing things better, even if it takes time to get it right. Just ask them for help and tell them it may take time to change old habits because it does. Your kids will understand that if you are understanding with them too. Discipline of course, but also recognize sincere efforts at improvement.


Unfortunately so many patents today don't believe in properly disciplining their children, so many of them are just so out if control. Kids need to learn all of these things!

Agree with Sonya...

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