7 Ways to Teach Your Son to Be a Gentleman ...


7 Ways to Teach Your Son to Be a Gentleman ...
7 Ways to Teach Your Son to Be a Gentleman ...

It is possible to teach your son to be a gentleman if you put a little effort and thought into it! As with anything else, you will need patience and dedication, but these tips will get you on the right track. Starting at a young age is best, but there’s always hope to learn anything new for any age! Keep on reading to learn a few ways you can teach your son to be a gentlemen and get ooohs and aaahs from the ladies for the rest of his life!

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Manners Matter

The number one way you can teach your son to be a gentleman is by starting with his manners! A simple “please” and “thank you” go such a long way. Chewing with your mouth closed, putting down the lid on the toilet, and taking off your shoes before walking through the house are a few other things to work on. Start young, and be patient. These things take time!


Good manners are the foundation of becoming a gentleman. It is important to start teaching your son good manners from a young age, and to be patient as it may take some time for him to grasp the concept.

When it comes to manners, teaching your son to say “please” and “thank you” is a must. This simple phrase can go a long way in showing respect and appreciation. It is also important to teach your son to chew with his mouth closed, put the lid down on the toilet, and take off his shoes before entering the house.

In addition to teaching your son good manners, it is also important to lead by example. Show your son what it means to be a gentleman by behaving in a manner that is respectful and courteous. This will help him to understand the importance of being a gentleman and will help him to develop the necessary skills.

It is also important to teach your son the value of respect. Respect for others, respect for authority, and respect for himself are all important traits that will help him to become a gentleman. Encourage him to listen to and understand other people’s opinions, and to treat them with courtesy and kindness.



Of course presentation is important for any gentleman’s reputation! You don’t need to put your son in suits and ties, but make sure he wears something besides sweats and t-shirts out in public. A well-groomed appearance will help him out in many ways when he gets older. Situations like job interviews, college classes, and dating will go smoother and easier for him when his presentation is spot on!


Encouraging your son to take pride in his appearance by teaching him the art of proper grooming is also paramount. Show him how to care for his clothes, how to iron a shirt properly, and the significance of neat, clean footwear. Even in casual settings, a polished look can speak volumes about his respect for himself and others. Instilling these habits early on can ensure they become second nature to him, setting the stage for a lifetime of positive first impressions.



This one can be hard to work on for parents! Kids are smart; they hear and pick up things we don’t realize! If you have a habit of letting dirty words slip, now is the time to work on that. Remember, it’s not just about keeping your child from saying four-letter words, but you want to teach him to speak clearly and convey his emotions properly as well!



Opening doors for ladies is a sweet thing you can train your son to do. It’s an old, chivalrous habit that seems to be dying these days, but don’t let that discourage you! Encourage him to hold open a door for ladies anytime you are in public and entering a building.



Anytime your son makes you something like a card, or brings you a flower, or gives you a gift, make a big deal about it! You want to encourage him to continue giving you sweet little gifts. He will already be in the habit of treating girls like royalty when he is old enough to date! What girl would turn down chocolates or roses from the perfect gentleman?

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Attitude is an important part of how little boys will treat others. If you see signs of an attitude, nip it in the bud at an early age. Remember, the way you present yourself is how he will view most ladies for the rest of his life. In order to treat girls like ladies, allow his opinion of his mom to be very high!



Remember, little boys learn by example. Ask yourself if there are any unsavory influences in your son’s life. Try to cut out anyone who could be working against your methods of training instead of working with you!

These are the few things that I suggest doing to teach your son to be a gentleman, but don’t forget that dad plays an important role in this too! If your son’s father is around and involved, he may pick up on these cues so much easier. Encourage father and son bonding time when possible! What are your tips for teaching boys how to be gentlemen?

Feedback Junction

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Love this!

The most important thing you can teach any child is respect at all times, especially towards his mother/women. Under no circumstances should disrespect towards women be tolerated.

The way his father treats his mother is what will influence a son the most.

I agree with Ema Cae!

I m loving this site..it makes me more informed...

I think ema is right! It is my number one priority for my son to be a role model to other kids and people through the way he treats others! I'm super interested to see who he is naturally along with the manners I teach him!

My parents never tolerated their children being disrespectful towards either parent.

Really cute

Excellent, excellent. Also, all those moms out there with sons, PLEASE, please teach them how to do some of the chores around the house AND that it's a good thing when dad helps mom with the housework. You will be doing his future wife a HUGE favor.

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