7 Ways New Moms Can Get Their Looks Back ...


7 Ways New Moms Can Get Their Looks Back ...
7 Ways New Moms Can Get Their Looks Back ...

I’ve brought a baby home from the hospital three times and each time I looked like hell. There’s just no getting around what hard work it is to have a baby. Give yourself some credit for the feat you just achieved. Now, all that being said, no new mom wants to look or feel bad. When you’re ready, you can use any of these tips to get your looks backs. And by that I mean get back to feeling good about how you look. Trust me – nothing is better than starting to feel like your old self again even if you have been up all night feeding a hungry newborn.

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Put the Baby in the Stroller and Go for a Walk

When I had my first son, I did this every single day and I guarantee it works! Not only does some fresh air make you feel human, but walking is great exercise for new moms. You can burn calories for losing baby weight and maybe get to interact with the neighbors or other moms in the area. Plus, babies love looking at new things so it’s a win-win.


Put Your Makeup on when You Run to the Store

Going to the store without makeup just ensures that you’ll run into someone you haven’t seen in a while. That’s only going to make you feel worse. Even if you only put on some lip gloss and mascara, you’ll feel a whole lot better about how you look, which is an incredible feeling when you’re stuck in the house with a newborn for hours every day.


Get Yourself a Fabulous New Haircut

After each of my kids was born, I lasted about a week before I went for a great new cut. It’s incredible how life changing that can be. Suddenly, I felt attractive again and like I was my own person instead of just being there to take care of the baby. If you can find a babysitter for an hour and get a new cut, you will feel way better and it will change your whole outlook on how you look.


Add Some Abs Moves to Your Routine

Once your doctor approves exercise, include some abs moves in your routine. Choose a mixture of exercises that target the various areas of your core so that you can start working those muscles and getting your tummy back. Just a couple of sessions each week is all you need.


Shop for Some Trendy Clothes

No mom jeans for you! Just because you have a baby now doesn’t mean you can’t wear trendy and beautiful clothing. If you still aren’t fitting back into your pre-baby wardrobe, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, treat yourself to a few new things that you can wear right now. I can’t even tell you how great you’ll feel in clothes that aren’t your stretched out maternity stuff.

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Slide on a Fabulous Pair of Shoes

Its’ really hard to feel bad when you’re wearing really cute shoes. If all else fails, just wear your favorite leopard stilettos and you’ll get an instant lift. Or slide on those shiny red flats with the cute bow. Either way, you’re going to feel so much better in just seconds.


Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize

There’s just something fantastic about a great statement necklace or a cute headband that makes you feel great. Wearing this stuff is easy after a baby because it’s one size fits all and it draws the eye away from the parts of your mom body that you aren’t too confident about. So pile on the jewelry, scarves and hair stuff and you’ll look super cute, which means loads of compliments are coming your way.

Being a new mom is wonderful, isn’t it? Which of these tips are you going to try? What others can you share?

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I'm a new mommy too. First-timer. My son is six and half months. Time flies. Motherhood may get hectic at times but it's the most beautiful journey. Be the best you can be because your little angel is watching. Do your best he shall follow

@Wendy congrats! All I can say is enjoy it, because you're not gonna realise how time flies. I have a 10 and a 4 year old, and I really miss them as babies... As much as I love 'em, I couldn't tho about having any more. Anyway back to the post, walking (and loads of it) did it for me

It can be difficult adjusting to being a new mom and for many hard to lose the weight. Whatever the case is, always try your best to look and feel good. It's been a year after my first daughter was born and I'm still trying to lose weight. The good thing is, I never give up!

how can I be mother for the first time ?..!'

I'm a new mommy to a 2 month old and what helped me get back to myself was working out, stroller walking with my baby outdoors, getting my hair and nails done, and having a sitter sit with him for a few hours for some me time. I didn't want to leave my baby with anyone but I realize I can't be the best mommy I can be if I don't feel good, and these were the things I needed to do to fee great

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