If you think your kid is having lately problems controlling his (her) anger, here are a few very useful ways to teach your child anger management skills. There are a lot of kids who struggle to manage their anger every day and this issue really affects their behavior and the quality of their relationships. It’s extremely important that your kids learn how to cope with anger. Experts say that angry feelings are normal emotional reactions to daily stresses in our lives, thus your goal as a parent should not be to completely stop those angry emotions, but to teach your kids to develop self-control and to help them learn how to handle those feelings more appropriately. Just read on and discover a few very useful ways to teach your child anger management skills:
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1. Show Them the Difference between Feelings and Behavior
One of the most useful things to teach your child anger management skills is to help them realize that there is a huge difference between feelings and behavior. Help them learn how to verbalize feelings of anger, disappointment or even frustration. Teach them it’s okay to feel angry sometimes, but you should let them know that there are ways they can control those feelings.
2. Talk It out
Calmly discuss with your child to see what made them feel so angry in the first place. For some kids, this may be enough to help them calm down and see things more rationally. Explain to them how it’s not okay to behave aggressively and offer them your support. If they don’t want to talk to you, you could suggest they discuss their problems with someone else (their favorite puppet or with their pet).
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3. Establish Anger Rules
Another very useful way to help your child manage their anger is by establishing some household rules that will help your child have a clearer image on what they can and can’t do when they are angry. Make sure that these anger rules always center around behaving respectfully towards others. Your little one should learn that just because they are angry, that doesn’t give them the right to be mean or rude to other people.
4. Their Behavior Should Have Consequences
Your child’s behavior should always have consequences. If they follow the rules you’ve established together (which will help them manage their anger), you should reward them. If they don’t listen to you and they break those rules, then their behavior should have some negative consequences. Also, there needs to be immediate consequences if they behave aggressively and those consequences could be the loss of some privileges, doing some extra chores or you could even give them some time out.
5. Teach Them Healthy Ways to Manage Their Anger
Teach your kid some healthy ways to manage their anger, so those feelings would not affect the quality of their relationships or their behavior. You could teach them some relaxation techniques or different problem-solving skills and this way, they will know how to solve a conflict in a peaceful way. You could even advise them to simply walk away if they notice that they are feeling angry and if they are afraid that they could not control their temper.
6. Help Them Identify the Triggers
Help your child identify the triggers of their angry behavior. Are they being bullied at school or is there something else that makes them feel frustrated? Tell your child that it’s extremely important to pay attention to those warning signs or to those triggers, so they could avoid a potential conflict and to manage that situation in a more appropriate way.
7. Seek Professional Help
If you’ve tried everything and it seems that whatever you would do, you still can’t teach your child how to manage their anger and you fear that their behavior might have gotten out of control, then you could seek some professional help. Talk to the school counselor or go see a therapist. They will help you cope with that situation and they can offer assistance in creating a behavior management plan.
Teaching your child how to manage their anger is not always easy. You need to put a lot of effort into it, you need to stay calm and most importantly, you need to have patience. Have you ever thought your kid anger management skills? How did you do it? Do you know any other ways to teach a child some anger management skills? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!
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