7 Ways for Busy Moms to Balance Life ...

Tara Jan 17, 2014

Since life is busy, crazy and often pure chaos as a busy mom, let me show the ways for busy moms to balance life. As a busy working mom of three, I am often running here, there and everywhere to get everything accomplished but somehow, each day I pull through and find the time to get everything I need to get done accomplished. Do you feel like you are struggling to find the time to get everything you need to done in a day? Well, let me share my ways for busy moms to balance life:

Snapshot Survey

What's your favorite way to relax after a long day?

1. Plan Your Day

The best way to accomplish all that you need to is set out a list of what you have to do for the day. Set your plan with a priority list, along with a wish list of what you would like to do if you have extra time that allows. Planning your day is one of the best ways for busy moms to balance life.

2. Preplan Your Meals

The best ways for busy moms to feed their family healthy meals is to plan in advance. I plan what I am going to cook the day prior so I have all the healthy ingredients necessary on hand and we are prepared for a fresh and healthy meal. This will also alleviate stress from your day and help you to balance your busy life.

3. Make Sure You Work out

As a personal trainer and fitness lover, I have to stress that it is important to find time for fitness, even if it is a simple stroller workout pushing your tot. If you find time for fitness you will have more energy, feel better and teach your children the importance of physical activity. An added bonus of exercising is you will better your health so you can be healthy for years to come!

4. Prepare for a Day out

Heading out for the day with the children and not sure what to prepare? Make sure you pack the car with healthy snacks such as fruit, veggies and water so you will stay on track to health success and provide the family with healthy nutrition. Preparation is key to success in balancing your life as a busy mama!

5. You Can Have It All

Stop feeling like you have to give up everything as a mother. Yes, there are some things you may do less often, like go out with your friends, now that you are a busy mom, but you can still find time. I may only go out with friends once a year but I still have a get together once a year. This goes the same for fitness and work, you can balance it all and still be an amazing mom.

6. Cherish the Moments

I often drop everything I am doing to take a picture and cherish a moment. I cannot sing my 22 month old son a lullaby and rock him when he is in college, so it is important to cherish this special time I have now. Life is a journey and if we do not pause and enjoy the moments, it will pass us by. So relax and cherish the moment, busy mama!

7. Have Fun Being a Mom

Being a mom rocks, there is no greater role in my opinion. You get to witness and raise your children as they develop into adults and it is pretty amazing. Every parent gets a clean slate to develop their child and help them prepare for the incredible opportunities in this world. And with love, care, passion and intellect, you can help your child to develop amazingly.

Hope my tips will help you to balance your life as a busy mom. What makes your life so busy, mama, and how do you balance all your tasks?

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