7 Reasons Manners Are Important in Children ...


There are so many reasons manners are important for our children to have. I would like to dive into that subject and talk about some very specific reasons for that. It is a good reminder to think about why they matter and how they can help our children. These are 7 strong reasons manners are important in children.

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1. They Cultivate Caring People

One of the reasons manners are important to instill in your children is because they cultivate a caring nature. If you want your child to be caring, you have to work on teaching them manners. This is because manners teach us to care about others and their feelings. When we are conscious of other’s feelings, we become caring people. Manners are something I have been quite the stickler on with my own children and I have no regrets on that decision. One of the compliments I receive most about my own children is that they are well-mannered.

2. They Teach Gratitude

Manners teach gratitude. It is so much more that the practice of teaching your child to say thank you. What you are really teaching them is to have appreciation and to express it to others. This is a lesson that will stay with them. It helps them to not become spoiled when they are taught to take the time to express appreciation.

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3. They Prevent Your Child from Becoming Spoiled

If you have taught your children manners, you can rest assured that the chances are slim that they will become spoiled. Manners teach us to think of others, not ourselves. There is great value in that. A spoiled child only thinks of themselves and what they want. Manners combat that.

4. Adults Will like Them

If you instill manners into your child, you can trust that adults will like them. Don’t all of us appreciate well-mannered children? I know that I do. Teaching your child manners is going to gain them a lot of friends. Other parents and teachers are going to love this about your child.

5. It Helps Them Make Friends

Teaching your child manners helps them to make friends. Even children like other children with manners. It isn’t the manners that help them to make friends as much as it is the fact that they are kind and good-natured. When you teach manners, you are also instilling other character traits into your child. Your child reaps the benefits.

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6. It Shows You Are Doing Your Job Right

Let’s be honest with each other here, moms. We appreciate when we get compliments about our children. This is especially true when it pertains to their manners and good behavior. It is a little pat on the back to remind us that our parenting is heading our child in the right direction. Who doesn’t want that?

7. It Makes for a Happier Child

Manners make for a happier child. Think about this for a moment. Have you ever known of a spoiled child that was truly happy? They might be momentarily happy because they got their way on something but that is all. A well-mannered child is going to be a happier child.

Manners are important and they are important to teach our children. How have you made sure your children were well-mannered? Please share your parenting wisdom here!

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I would agree with most except #6. I wouldn't say that parents with spoiled or ill mannered children aren't doing their job. Some children learn differently.

My two year old has knowledge of thank you. He knows that his room is where he will be sent to if he throws a fit. He may fuss and tantrum when he has to wait a minute if he wants more milk/food. When he does this I ask if he wants to go to his room or if he will please wait a minute. He stops fussing and when I can get him more milk as an example, he says thank you. Next is please. :-)

I am a firm believer in children mirroring what they see their own parents actions. My husband & I both were raised with a strong mannered background, therefore, we try to implement those manners on our son. So far so good. :-)

I agree with most except that it will make adults like them. First, the idea is not to raise children to be like able but to be themselves. If that makes them like able, but I will not raise my child to think being like able to adults, or anyone is important. Secondly, with all the pedophilia out there I'd rather my child be wary of adults she doesn't know rather than trying to be liked. Also, everyone's version of what constitutes a spoiled child is different. I'd rather say a rude child. I think my daughter could, by your standards, be considered spoiled, but she's never rude nor disrespectful. One thing I do agree with though is that it IS the parent's fault if the child is rude or disrespectful. It is our job to instill these values in our children. No getting away from it.

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