7 Crunchy Parenting Topics That Are Highly Debated ...


7 Crunchy Parenting Topics That Are Highly Debated ...
7 Crunchy Parenting Topics That Are Highly Debated ...

Do you know what crunchy parenting topics are? If you have never heard of crunchy parenting, then read on to learn a few of the definitions for crunchy parenting! I’m not here to say whether or not you should employ either of these methods with your baby; that is a personal decision. I would like to throw a few crunchy parenting topics out there for your consideration, as many new parents are ill informed when it comes to their options, and yes, rights, as a parent. Below are my top picks for highly debated crunchy parenting topics!

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Breastfeeding versus Bottle-feeding

Probably one of the most popular crunchy parenting topics of all is breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding. In my experience there are benefits to both! Mothers who breastfeed tend to be very passionate about breastfeeding. Mothers who bottle-feed are sometimes looked down on by breastfeeding mothers. This is one topic that can get heated!


Homeschooling versus Public Schooling

Crunchy parents tend to view homeschooling as the better option, but that’s not to say that parents who send their children to a public school are throwing their children’s education out the window. I was homeschooled, and my husband went to public school. There are benefits and downsides to both options. Do your research and learn to balance the scales!


Co-sleeping versus Crib Sleeping

I have several close friends who co-sleep. Likewise, I have some other friends who crib-sleep. Both of them think they are doing the best thing for their child, and you know what? They are! Parenting is a tough thing, and every family has to make their own decisions.


Vaccinating versus Non-vaccinating

Here is another topic that can quickly escalate. Should you vaccinate or not? I strongly advise you to look into it as deeply as you can. This is a decision that you truly need to make for yourself and not let peer pressure dictate your answer. Again, there are benefits to both sides, although in some situations or locations around the world, the risks may outweigh benefits or vice-versa.


Cloth Diapering versus Disposables

Do you feel like going green? Or would you prefer having less laundry? Cloth diapers versus disposable diapers isn’t a life-altering decision, but it’s one that each family should make for themselves. Cloth diapers have some awful cute covers, but disposables can be a smidge easier than cloth.

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Babywearing versus Strollers

I was surprised to learn that some people are strongly against babywearing! I was also equally surprised to learn that some mothers feel that putting your baby in a stroller instead of wearing them can have impacts on their emotional health. I have used baby carriers and baby strollers; both have their time and place. But this topic is strongly debated in the world of crunchy parenting.


Cry It out versus Constant Soothing

Many parents feel that leaving their baby to cry it out is cruel; others say that it’s the only thing that works for them. Again, I offer no personal opinion on this subject, but if you choose to constantly soothe your baby or let your baby cry it out, make sure you do your research on the effects of both methods.

The great thing about parenting is that there are so many options available, and you can make informed choices by doing your research. But, as with anything else, you will learn as you go. What works for one family may not work as great for another family. Which of these highly debated crunchy parenting topics have you heard of before?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

There will always be ladies out there that want to compare and make other moms feel bad for their parenting choices. I got comments from family for not breastfeeding longer than 3 months. My first kid I felt so guilty for having given up on nursing. (Low milk production). But when I had my twins via csection I didn't feel so bad about only pumping for 2 months. One twin was in nicu for ten days so I pumped for him while my other little guy got mostly formula from day one. And I didn't feel bad about it. You just gotta learn how to tune ppl out. Everyone has an opinion on how things should be done but until they are faced with the same situations they should really just mind their biz!! Do what's right for your family!!

I think that it's ridiculous that some people who breast feed their babies look down on those who choose not to. My aunt was a nurse in a maternity ward for 20 years and she has said that while breast feeding has benefits, with the way formula is made today, there's not a huge difference. I simply didn't feel comfortable with it, so I bottle fed. Another thing that irks me is when women are so hell bent on going through with a natural birth that they REFUSE to sway from a birthing plan, even if it puts the child in peril. I had a C-Section because my daughter was in distress and I wouldn't dilate. I hate how some women feel as if they're super woman because they had a vaginal birth. It's amazing and i will not deny that but sometimes, it just doesn't happen! I know a girl who pushed for 3 hours because she refused to let them operate, he daughter almost died and was born with a very misshapen head. I had another girl brag about how she had the biggest baby out of our circle and didn't need a C-Section. It's one thing to be proud, another to brag. I say, to each his own, you're the parent, do what you feel is right but keep it within reason. Your child is priority and keep them safe is your job!

Why on earth would someone not vaccinate their child? Not vaccinating will put them at risk for all kinds of diseases. Why do you think whooping cough has suddenly appeared again? Because kids aren't getting vaccinated

Hi @letitia I just wanted to ask you what bub means ?

I have heard all of them :) I don't have any of my own yet but I hope to soon :). But as a big sister of 4 and being 10,14,and 16 years older then my siblings. I helped my mom a lot. And seeing my mom I know it's hard and was hard. I also know my mom would get so exhausted and my one little brother was so stubborn and would NEVER fall asleep. So crying he would do. well at 14 yrs old I could take only so much crying so I would get up some nights at 11 and hold him for hrs. He had to be 10 months old. I always knew mom would if she had more energy so it was my pleasure to help. And great learning. Every child is so dif. My other brother always went right to sleep so. That is what makes parenting SO so hard!! My little brother is 11 now. And he will always have a soft spot in my heart:))

All of these are valid "arguments" being that every mother or parent has their own point of view. Each of these are just different ways that parents choose to raise their children to be the best person or healthy person EXCEPT not getting vaccinated. There is literally no excuse to leave your child unprotected from viruses and disease. You may argue "Oh, my baby doesn't need shots or vaccinations because no one gets diseases like (fill in the blank) anymore".... Well the reason "no one" gets those diseases or viruses is BECAUSE OF THE VACCINATION THAT PREVENTS IT! It really, really makes me crazy to hear that parents do not vaccinate their children. Like I said, each of these "crunchy topics" are personal choices but when it comes to choosing to leave a child unprotected, there is no excuse. Protecting your child is your most important job.

Honestly idc what other people do everyone can choose what is right for them and their family. The only thing I'd caution against is the co-sleeping. I did it when I had my daughter bc she wouldn't settle down in the bassinet and I was so young and didn't really know the risks of her sleeping in my small bed. But I am a nurse and not too long ago there was a newborn that was brought into the ER dead bc the mother smothered the baby while sleeping....such a horrible tragedy, so I'd be extremely cautious if you choose to co-sleep.

Oh bub as in baby/ child ! Sorry that was midwifery slang !

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