7 Ways to Keep Toddler Twins out of Trouble ...


Looking after one toddler is a full-time job so when you’ve got a pair of twins on your hands, it can really get hectic. Toddlers are generally curious, always looking out for new things to experiment with, requiring you to constantly watch what they’re doing. Toddler twins are the same but of course double the trouble. Here are 7 ways to keep toddler twins out of trouble.

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1. Use a Portable Fence

A portable extend-able fence is a wise investment when you’re dealing with toddlers. Find a safe room in which they cannot hurt themselves or destroy anything and then attach the fence at the entrance. This way you are restricting their movements to the chosen room and you know they will not get into trouble.

2. Take Them Outdoors

No matter how laborious it seems, set a side a little time each day to let your toddler twins play outdoors. Go to the park or to your apartment playground and give them a chance to interact with other children in a safe child friendly environment. You will probably find other moms like you and who knows, might be able to form strong friendships.

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3. Invest in a Play Pen

A play pen which can be folded up and carried around is a useful addition to the nursery as it gives you the opportunity to put the twins in a safe place and keep them there for as long as you need. Since it is portable, you can take it to grandma’s house and set it up for her to use it when the twins get out of control.

4. Join a Toy Library

In general toddlers get bored of their toys really quickly. With twins you may feel like you have never have enough toys. Toy libraries are present in most neighborhoods and allow you to hire toys for a period – say one week or two. They usually come sanitized and ready to play.

5. Maintain Regular Nap Times

Toddlers thrive on routine so get them into a routine as soon as you can. Nap time is one part of the day for you to get some time to yourself and most toddlers get tired after a busy morning of playing and shopping. Get them off to sleep and maintain the naptime religiously.

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6. Find an Activity That They like to do and Set a Regular Time for It

Observe your twins and see what they particularly enjoy doing. For example, if they like coloring, set aside ‘Art Time’ every day. This way they look forward to this section of the day and immerse themselves in their drawing leaving you free from worry at least for a while.

7. Look out for like-minded Moms to Initiate Play Dates

Keeping your kids distracted and consumed with toys or other children is the best way to keep them out of trouble. If you don’t have any friends or neighbors with small children, then look online. There will be a number of other moms like you looking for moms like you. Make a connection and start play dates.

Keeping toddler twins out of trouble is a full time job but with a few clever steps you can ensure you come out of the experience with flying colors.

Top image source: img0.liveinternet.ru

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