7 Ways to Celebrate Your Child's Birthday without Throwing a Party ...


Have you been looking for some ways to celebrate your child’s birthday? My daughter will be turning 9 this year and has decided that she wants to do something other than having a party. Even though my husband and I are happy to continue having birthday parties for a few more years, we have agreed to try something different. If you’ve decided to no longer throw a party, here’s 7 fun ways to celebrate your child’s birthday.

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1. Movies

One of the best ways to celebrate your child’s birthday is by taking them to the movies. If you're on a tight budget this is a very economical way to celebrate. You could even save more money by going to a matinee when tickets will be cheaper. If your budget allows for it, you could let your child bring a friend.

2. Dinner

Going out to dinner is a great way to celebrate a birthday. For your child’s special day you could plan to have dinner with close family. You could also allow them to invite a few friends to go with you. Most kids love choosing which restaurant to eat at on their birthday. At the restaurant you could also order a yummy dessert for your child and have the restaurant staff sing “Happy Birthday” to them.

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3. Amusement Park

When my daughter first asked do something different for her birthday, going to an amusement park was at the top of her list. I knew that this could potentially be an expensive trip, so I started looking for discounts right away. I was pleasantly surprised by how many different amusement park discounts you can find. I was able to find discounted park tickets as well as discounts on food.

4. Bowling

I love bowling, so if one of my kids decides that they want to go bowling for their birthday I will be just as happy as they are. Bowling is also an activity that the entire family can enjoy. It works well for most budgets as well. Many bowling alleys have one day each week when you can bowl at a discounted price. Some also have a family night when they have special activities for kids.

5. Skating

For my daughter's upcoming birthday, she has decided that she wants to go ice skating instead of going to an amusement park. She really enjoyed watching the figure skating competition during the Winter Olympics and wants to try it. I’m glad that she’s interested in trying something that she’s never done before. I've never been ice skating and I must admit that I’m super excited, too. If ice skating is not an option for you, perhaps you could take your child roller skating to celebrate their birthday.

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6. Mani- Pedi

Who doesn't love having their nails done? If you have a little girl, going for a manicure and a pedicure can be a lot of fun for both of you. If this doesn’t fit into your budget, perhaps you could take your daughter to a nail salon to have her nails painted. Prices are different at every salon, but my local nail salon only charges $5 to paint little girls' nails.

7. Slumber Party

Do you remember going to slumber parties as a child? I know I do. When I was younger, a friend of mine always had a slumber party for her birthday. Everyone had a blast and always looked forward to breakfast because my friend’s mom made chocolate gravy and biscuits, which was awesome. If your child has never had a slumber party, perhaps you could start by allowing them to invite some friends over during the daytime.

Birthdays are special regardless of how you celebrate. What are some ways that you celebrate your loved ones' birthdays? I can’t wait to hear some of your excellent ideas.

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