9 Things You Should Be Aware of when Pregnant ...


9 Things You Should Be Aware of when Pregnant ...
9 Things You Should Be Aware of when Pregnant ...

There are so many things you should be aware of when pregnant that one list could hardly cover all topics! But these tips are just a few things that I discovered during my own pregnancy that really helped me through some of the rough patches, and even made sure I knew what to expect! You may be surprised by all the changes your body is going through, but have no fear because most of it is normal. Read on to learn a few things you should be aware of when pregnant!

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1. Make Some Ice Cubes

One of the things you should be aware of when pregnant is how boring it can get to drink your required amount of water to keep you and baby hydrated. After the first couple of month you may never want to see another water bottle again! Here is what I did. Choose your favorite flavor of Gatorade and freeze some of it into ice cubes. Add them to your water to shake it up! Bonus: This can help combat morning sickness, and is a great way to relieve water boredom while breastfeeding as well!

2. Ditch the Underwire Bras

Now we all know that with pregnancy comes a larger bust line, but please don’t stock up on underwire bras! While they may seem to be the best option for support, underwire bras can also hamper your milk production. Look for some supportive nursing bras or even sports bras designed to give lots of support instead.

3. Get Some Almond Oil

If you’re not having a planned C-section, then it will benefit you do a little prep for giving birth. Once you reach 32 weeks, start rubbing almond oil on your perineum every night before you go to sleep. Research has shown that women who prepare this area with almond oil prior to giving birth will have less ripping and perhaps prevent a tear altogether!

4. Use Witch Hazel

Witch hazel can be a blessing to you in many ways during pregnancy. It’s completely natural, so it’s your best bet to relieve bug bites and treat small cuts. It’s also great for the occasional pimple that pregnancy may bring on, as well as one thing we would rather not have to deal with: hemorrhoids.

5. You May Start Snoring

I was surprised to learn that pregnancy can cause snoring! During pregnancy, pretty much everything in your body softens and widens (including your feet), so your nasal passages may not be able to prevent snoring! Any partners should be warned beforehand, and if it’s too much for you to bear, consider asking your doctor if there is anything you can do to prevent it!

6. Visit a Chiropractor Regularly

One of the best things you can do for your health and for some back pain relief while pregnant is to visit a chiropractor regularly! Chiropractors are trained to know how to adjust and realign your spine to promote overall health and relieve any pressure or pain that you may not even realize you have. Your health insurance may cover it, but if not then most chiropractors are highly affordable!

7. Get a Low-maintenance Haircut

This may be the best piece of advice you will ever receive regarding motherhood. A few weeks before baby is born, you should have a low-maintenance haircut and color done. After the baby is born, you may not have the time, energy, or extra money to go and get your hair done. A wash-and-go style is great for many mothers!

8. Stay Active

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean that you can’t stay active! You may need to bring your workouts down a notch or two, but staying active actually promotes a fit and healthy pregnancy. Those last few weeks you may only feel up to walking, but since walking can induce labor that’s not a bad thing!

9. Try to Eat the Same after Giving Birth

Here’s a tip to help breastfeeding go a little more smoothly. After giving birth, try to keep your diet reasonably the same as while you were pregnant. I know, that’s hard, especially when there are foods you have probably been denying yourself or not able to eat due to heartburn. If you must, gradually add them back and watch for signs of tummy ache from your little one.

Every pregnancy is different, and every mother is different! So please keep that in mind as your pregnancy progresses. Are you a first-time mom? Which of these tips do you love the most? Thanks for reading!

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You can color your hair during pregnancy, your body might just react differently to the chemicals used.

I thought you weren't supposed to dye your hair when pregnant

Love this!! Almond oil is a great idea. As are ice cubes. I want to exercise but I only have energy enough to stagger to the bathroom to throw up n then crawl back to the sofa :(

I just wanna ask if what is the best way to do? Its been 1week and 4days the delayed of my period. Is it possible that I am pregnant or not? Thanks. It helps me a lot.

Omg I snored so bad while pregnant! Nothing worked to stop it and it started before I was even showing. Poor hubby!

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