7 Important Reasons to Consider Natural Child Birth ...


7 Important Reasons to Consider Natural Child Birth ...
7 Important Reasons to Consider Natural Child Birth ...

Are you looking for a few valid reasons to consider natural childbirth? Perhaps you are interested in all your options, or maybe you are genuinely curious. Even if you just need some solid reasoning to back your claims with stubborn family members, this article has some legitimate reasons to consider natural childbirth! Having a baby may not be easy, but for most, it’s not impossible to do naturally. In many ways, it’s better for you and baby both! Read on to discover why.

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1. Freedom to Move about

One of my top reasons to consider natural childbirth is because you have freedom to move about at will and change positions if needed. With an epidural or even pain meds you will be unable to move around. Going through labor can be uncomfortable even with pain medications or interventions, so it’s nice having the option of moving around to get comfortable!

2. Keeping Baby Safe

Doctors and nurses will tell you that it’s perfectly safe to use pain meds and that it won’t hurt the baby. While that may be true, it’s also true that whatever is in your system goes to the baby. Do you really want your baby to be born with any type or amount of drugs in his little system?

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3. Faster Recovery

Going through natural childbirth actually gives you a speedier recovery! If you get an epidural or pain meds, you have to wait for them to wear off before you can get up and move around or even go to the bathroom without assistance. And a small percentage of women have said that they continue to have pain and aggravation at the site of the epidural injection for the rest of their lives.

4. Chance of a Faster Delivery

Some medications and yes, epidurals, can actually slow down the birth process. Think of it this way: when a part of your body is numb, it’s harder to use that part of your body or at least use it to its full function without some difficulty. Women’s bodies are made be able to perform during childbirth, so they naturally know how to have a baby. It makes sense that unnatural interventions would slow you down!

5. Less Risk for Other Interventions

Having an epidural does mean that you will need other interventions. Constant fetal monitoring, an IV, and a catheter will be necessary, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Depending on how difficult it is for you to push, the use of vacuum or forceps extraction may become necessary.

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6. Getting to Know Your Body Better

There’s no doubt about it, if you opt for natural childbirth, you are going to be going through a very intimate process. You will learn about your body, and discover that you have more strength than you ever thought possible. Take time and do your research, because natural childbirth can be the most beautiful experience in your lifetime!

7. Empowerment and Triumph

Women have been having babies for thousands of years. And many of them without pain medications or interventions! Since our bodies are designed to be capable of having a baby if we so choose, there’s no need for intervention unless medically necessary. Imagine the empowerment this gives to women! To be able to have the strength to give birth, all on your own, without intervention -what a triumphant feeling!

These are my top reasons to consider natural childbirth, but I would like to interject that not every woman is able to naturally birth their baby. Due to medical emergencies, or possibilities of medical emergencies, doctors will instruct or take over, and that is perfectly okay! Remember, it is YOUR birth experience and it will be different from everyone else’s! Pain meds are there if you need them, but natural is the best way to go. However, mothers who have delivered via C-section or with epidurals and pain meds are just as amazing as those who did it naturally. Be proud of yourself no matter your birth story; you did it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Why not an article on medicated v natural

prefer water birth maybe?

I want to give birth naturally and with as little medical intervention as possible- but if I choose meds in the end or there is a complication I'm not gonna beat myself up over it.

I have no idea what actual child birth is like but I can imagine that sometimes less pain is better than full-blown au natural pain. This article seems rather bias and makes it seem like if a woman chooses meds, she is less of a woman. Not cool!

An epidural does not harm the baby in any way. It's direct pain medication in the fluid space in your spine. My epidural was absolutely amazing- I was in labor for 13 hours before I had one, it was the middle of night so I was able to sleep for a couple hours, and it actually progressed my labor more quickly because my body was able to relax. I could absolutely feel the need to bear down- it's an intense feeling. All that was "numbed" was the pain of a contraction. My legs were a little heavy but that was it! I highly recommended it if natural is not an option :)

An epidural doesn't cross the placenta, so can't affect bub. When having an epidural, the woman will lose that feeling to want to bear down when the time is right, instead the midwife will have to guide you through when and how long to bear down. Without your body telling you what to do there is more likelihood of tearing. Bubs come out floppy when morphine is given too close to delivery and final stages of labour.

But I've seen too many over medicalised births. The few natural ones were easier.

The stories and problems and considerations are all different before you conceive and after you discover a toddler in your arms. With all due respect the writers should attempt to write with their experiences and not just anything fascinating.

I was going to have a natural birth but I got so tired and so much pain they said the best thing for me was drugs so I had drugs and on Boxing Day i had my lovely cute baby girl

Each birth has to be taken into consideration at that time!

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