9 Encouraging Tips for Brand New Moms to Remember ...


Tips for brand new moms are critical to learn and follow in order to save your sanity and marriage after your new bundle of joy comes along! Babies are sweet and enthralling, but they are a lot of work and a big responsibility too. Save yourself lots of struggle by heeding these tips for brand new moms, and who knows? You may find that being a mom is way easier than you ever would have expected!

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1. Get Sleep when You Can

Possibly the most important of all tips for brand new moms is to remember that you will be sleep deprived at first. So instead of going around in zombie mode, learn to sleep when you can! Nap when the baby naps, or fit in a little snooze while daddy watches the munchkin. Once in a while, see if your partner or a trusted friend can step in and take care of night feedings or give you a few hours to get some uninterrupted shut-eye.

2. Stock up on Paper Plates

Housework can easily be pushed to the back burner after you have a baby. And that’s okay! You need time to rest, heal, and love on your new little one. Stock up on paper dishes to avoid backing up your sinks and counters with dirty dishes. Anti-bacterial wipes are good to keep around to wipe up spills or keep your toilet, sink, and counters clean without too much effort. You can also stock up on non-perishable food items, household supplies, and personal hygiene products so that your grocery store runs will be fast and easy those first few weeks.

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3. Accept Help when It’s Offered

We all want to feel like supermom so accepting help might be tough at first. But don’t feel bad! If you need to get a nap or take a shower and your mom is there, let her hold the baby while you take care of your needs. If your best friend is running errands and asks if you need anything, don’t feel bad for having her pick up milk and diapers or dropping off your library books.

4. Set One Goal Each Day

Recuperating from birth and becoming accustomed to having a little person around can take a toll on your body and spirit. To keep from getting too bogged down or overwhelmed, set one goal each day. It could be something as small as washing a load of laundry, or something bigger, like getting a shower and going out to run errands with baby in tow. Gradually, things will get back to a steady pace.

5. Do Something for YOU

After the first month has passed and you are starting to feel somewhat normal, don’t fall into the rut of mom jeans and ponytails. If you can’t afford the beauty salon, then give yourself a pedicure. If that’s not your cup of tea, grab a sitter and catch up on shows you have DVR-ed or take a bubble bath and read celeb gossip. For a real splurge, get a professional deep-tissue massage.

6. Give Yourself Some Time

Don’t expect your old body to bounce right back immediately following birth. The same goes for your emotions. Hormones will be bouncing around, and there may be times when you need to cry or feel angry for no reason. Just know that you will eventually return to some semblance of normal. With a balanced diet and workout routine, your body and sex drive will get back to what you remember. Stretch marks are badges of honor, so wear them with confidence!

7. Have a Dependable Sitter

Every mom can tell you the importance of having a dependable babysitter! I even recommend a back-up sitter as well. There will be days you just have something pop up and need to leave right away. Then there is the occasional date-night you will want to have. Keep sitter numbers near and handy!

8. Know That It Will Come Naturally

It’s normal to have feelings of being overwhelmed or wondering if you’re “doing it right.” Being a mother is something that will come naturally. Go with your gut feeling, because no one will know your little one like you do. But there’s nothing wrong in doing research or getting advice from other mothers-and never hesitate to ask your doctor if you have any reason for concern.

9. Cuddle Your Baby Often

Perhaps the most solid piece of advice I could give any new mother is to relish this time. Your baby will only be little once, and they grow so very fast. Take time to cuddle and hold your baby. If you’re a working mom, those opportunities may be slimmer so take advantage!

Being a mom is a fantastic and amazing experience, and these tips will help make things go smoothly for you, especially that first month or so. It does take time to adjust, but you will get the hang of it all! What encouraging tips for brand new moms can you offer?

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This list would've been helpful 8 years ago. Lol

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