7 Totally Fun Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy ...


With so many cool ways to announce your pregnancy, it can be really hard to decide which one you’re going to go with. When I found out about each of my babies, I was too excited to come up with a fun way to tell everyone. I just got on the phone and started spreading the news. If you want something more unique than that, check out these exciting ways to announce your pregnancy and you’re sure to find your favorite idea.

1. Give a Gift

Give a Gift If Christmas or a birthday is coming up, use that as one of the most fun ways to announce your pregnancy. Place a photo of your ultrasound into a picture frame and give it to grandparents or aunts and uncles to be. Not only will they have a special keepsake to remember the moment with, but they’ll also get the added gift of finding out about the new baby that’s soon to join the family.

2. Use Shoes

Use Shoes It might sound weird, but baby shoes are a totally fun way to let everyone know you’re expecting. Take a photo with your shoes, your spouse’s shoes and a pair of infant shoes and post it on your social networking page or mail it out to your closest friends and family members. Then wait for your phone to start ringing with well-wishers that want to share in the excitement.

3. Let Your Child Wear a T-shirt

Let Your Child Wear a T-shirt If you’re on baby number two, three or beyond, it’s fun to buy your toddler or preschooler a t-shirt that says “I’m a big brother,” or “I’m a big sister.” Simply put that on and head out and about and wait for people to notice. It will be really funny to watch and wait for friends and family members to see the shirt and let it register. You’re going to get some good laughs with this one.

4. Put a Bun in the Oven

Put a Bun in the Oven Maybe you’re holding a family function or having your parents over for dinner. Put an actual bun in the oven and then ask someone to retrieve it for you. They’re very likely to say, “there’s a bun in your oven.” Just wait for them to connect the dots. It’s hilarious! If they don’t get it, you can emphasize it a little and help them figure it out.

5. Bottles of Wine

Bottles of Wine If events with friends revolve around wine, this is a fun way to let your friends know you’re expecting a new little one. Tie a bow on a bottle of wine with a note that says, “Enjoy this wine. I’ll join you in nine months.” Once your friends read that, it’ll be an occasion to toast. You can use water or seltzer since you can’t have wine for the time being.

6. Send Cards

Send Cards You send cards at Christmas, so why not send out a mass mailing to announce your pregnancy? Print a photo of you and your spouse on the card while you hold a sign that says, “Introducing Baby …” or “Coming Soon.” This is another fun way to send out a note letting everyone know what’s happening in your life.

7. Do Something Funny

Do Something Funny If your friends and family love your sense of humor, use that to announce your news. Post a picture of dad lying on the ground with a positive pregnancy test nearby as if he just fainted. Or turn a photo into a movie poster with a catchy title and the actors involved.

How did you announce your pregnancy? Are you happy with the way you did it?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Great article! Week 7, but excited for week 12-14 when we decide to announce :) I like the movie poster, or Christmas card ideas!

Sure thing to do that..

Loving these ideas!

Such beautiful ideas!

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