10 Perfect Tips for Potty Training Every Parent Should Know ...

Samantha Nov 5, 2020

10 Perfect Tips for Potty Training Every Parent Should Know ...
10 Perfect Tips for Potty Training Every Parent Should Know ...

Being mother is such a blessing. Getting to witness so many first times including, smile, laugh, words and walking. Using the toilet is one of the hardest firsts to accomplish and that's why you need some tips for potty training. It takes dedication, time and patience to get your toddler using the toilet. Also, a little bribery might help. Here is a guide to success with all the tips for potty training that work best.

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1. Is Your Child Ready?

One of the first tips for potty training is to be sure your child is ready. When starting your potty training journey you need to know if your toddler is ready to start using the toilet. Common things to look for are showing interest in the toilet, being bothered by dirty diapers or telling you when they need to be changed.These are just a couple signs that your toddler is ready to start potty training.

2. You Know They Are Ready, Time to Start Getting down to Business

First things first, you need to come up with a schedule. Take them to the bathroom right when they wake up, to start the morning off right. Then usually taking them to the restroom every 30 minutes to 1 hour to practice going to the bathroom. During those trips, you may not get results every time but continue to make the effort.

3. Celebrate

Show them love and excitement when they do use the restroom. This will reinforce that this is a good thing and they will receive praise for using the toilet.

4. Bribery

I know it may seem like a bad idea, but sometimes it’s the only thing to keep them motivated. Little candy treats, stickers, or a toy for no accidents during the week.

5. Patience

Be patient with your little one about using the bathroom. You are trying to change what they have been doing since birth and what seems completely normal to them into a using a scary toilet. Be understanding when it comes to accidents and remain calm when all the bathroom trips don’t seem to be working.

6. Get Everyone on the Same Page

Make sure everyone in the household is on the same page. Mom, dad, grandparents, siblings - this is a team effort. You need to be consistent across the board. Everyone should know the bathroom schedule and show support. If your child is in daycare make sure to let the daycare know you are working on potty training.

7. Using the Big Potty

There are small little training potty chairs, but in all honesty, it may be easy and more consistent for your toddler to use the regular toilet to remain consistent when you go to other people's homes or out and about. You do not want them to be used to the small potty and have a meltdown when needing to use a toilet outside the home.

8. Character Help

There are many different movies and books with your child’s favorite character that can teach them about using the toilet. Elmo worked for my kids.

9. Consistency

Set a schedule and stick to it. Kids generally enjoy routines to stay the same. They will not be consistent if you aren’t.

10. Make It Fun

Let them color on the toilet seat cover with a dry erase marker, read on the potty, for little boys - aim for Cheerios in the toilet. Create a potty chart they can help decorate when they use the potty.

Don’t forget to wash your hands afterward. 😊 That’s the most exciting part of course.

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