Most Expectant Parents Make These Mistakes when Shopping for Their Baby ...


Most Expectant Parents Make These Mistakes when Shopping for Their Baby ...
Most Expectant Parents Make These Mistakes when Shopping for Their Baby ...

Are you curious to know which mistakes expectant parents make when shopping for their baby? This article can clue you in to some of them. It’s hard to know what you will or won’t need for your baby. That’s especially true for first-time parents. Hopefully this article can help you to avoid the mistakes expectant parents make when shopping for their baby.

1. Buying Too Many Newborn Diapers

Buying too many newborn diapers is one of the mistakes expectant parents make when shopping for their baby. Most babies won’t be in a newborn diaper for very long. Newborn diapers usually go up to 10 pounds. Some size one diapers start at 8 pounds. It’s good to have a few packages of newborn diapers but the average baby won’t need more than that.

2. Not Giving the Stroller a Trial Run

The stroller is an important purchase for parents. It’s something that many parents will use a lot over the next few years. It’s good to do your research on any stroller you’re considering purchasing. Also, you want to give the stroller a trial run before you take it home. It’s good to see how it moves and operates. You may feel silly but it can save you from buyer’s regret.

3. Buying Too Many Expensive Outfits

This one’s hard to resist. There are so many adorable little outfits for babies. You just want to buy them all. But it’s good to think about what you’re really going to need. If you work and your child will be in childcare or you’re very active in activities then you’ll probably need more than if you stay home most of the time. Babies grow very quickly and it’s not unusual for them to outgrow an outfit before they can wear it.

4. Not Buying Enough Layette Items

What you’ll probably find you do need a lot of are the general layette items. This would be things like burp cloths, receiving blankets, onesies and sleepers. New moms are often very surprised at how much laundry a baby can accumulate. They often go through several blankets and burp cloths a day. Onesies and sleepers are great comfy items for baby when you’re home.

5. Buying a Diaper Stacker

It’s perfectly okay to buy a diaper stacker. They can be really cute and add to your nursery décor. But most parents find that they really don’t use them that much. It almost seems more trouble than it’s worth to stack your diapers in a diaper stacker when you’re going to be taking them out very quickly. It’s an item you won’t miss if you don’t have it.

6. Buying a Baby Food Maker

A baby food maker can be convenient. But do you have to have one? Not really. If you have a blender, you can do pretty much the same thing. In fact, a blender was what moms used for decades to make homemade baby food.

7. Not Stocking Their Baby’s Medicine Cabinet

Another mistake that expectant parents make is not stocking their baby’s medicine cabinet. Hopefully, your baby won’t need any kind of medicine but it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Stock up on infant’s acetaminophen and ibuprofen as well as picking up other items you may need for a baby’s illnesses. Gas drops can be a lifesaver and it’s always good to have a thermometer on hand. Having your baby’s medicine cabinet stocked can save you some three am trips to search for needed items.

These are 7 mistakes expectant parents make in shopping for their baby. What are your thoughts? What items are you skipping?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You do not need rocking cradles, changing tables, electric bottle warmers etc and ordinary chests of drawers, wardrobes etc painted are just as good as the specific baby nursery furniture for a fraction of the price and you can customise them to your decor

Also, a lot of parents think they've installed their car seat correctly, but fail to go to a fire station or police station to get it checked to make sure. Ties inconvenient for a day, but it could save your baby's life!

Buying a car seat that is worth it's weight in gold. Of all the things that getup chased this always ends up being the one overlooked or neglected because of the cost of car seats. Also look for car seats that have a base that stays in the car. I haven't been car seat shopping lately, but my friends that did go that route seemed to have such a easy time loading kids, kid peri fantasia

Don't take everything out of the package. I barley used half my stuff I got but I took everything out of the package , threw away the box and now I can't even take it back!

A lot of clothes you but you end up not using because the season doesn't correspond with baby's growth stage. For example, we were given a lot of cute summer clothes that we never even touched because it was winter when he was "00"

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