7 Effective Ways to Teach Your Kids to Be Obedient ...


If you are looking for ways to Teach Your Kids To Be Obedient, look no further! Teaching kids to be obedient is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but with a little patience and effort, it is certainly possible! I've put together several tips and things to remember when trying to train your child to be obedient and behave well in public. Please, keep on reading for 7 effective ways to teach kids to be obedient!

1. Be Consistent

When it comes to teaching kids to be obedient, you must remember to be consistent. If you tell your child not to play in the street, then next week, the same rule should apply. Children will push boundaries to see what they can get away with. In order to teach obedience, consistency is important.


If you occasionally overlook certain behaviors or alter the consequences, it confuses your child. They may believe that rules are negotiable. Therefore, it's imperative to stick to your guidelines, applying the same repercussions for disobedience each time. This reinforces the behavior you expect and helps your child understand the importance of following rules. Consistency also builds a sense of security, as your child knows what to anticipate from you.

2. Be Gentle

Children do not respond well to anger. When dealing with your child, keep in mind that the best thing you can do is be firm, yet gentle. Be understanding of their feelings, but stress how important it is for your child to obey you no matter what. This is where teaching kids to be obedient starts!


Recognize that every instruction is a learning opportunity for your child. Use positive reinforcement to encourage the behavior you wish to see more of, rather than relying on punishment. Acknowledging their efforts, even when they fall short, instills the motivation to keep improving. Always try to explain the why behind your rules; understanding the reasons for rules can help children internalize them. Remember, your patience is key in nurturing their ability to follow guidance with respect and trust.

3. Live by Example

According to a study by ToddlerABC.com, children are most impressionable when they are small, and they DO pick up on your behavioral techniques and attitudes. Living by example is one of the best ways to teach kids to be obedient. Don't let your children see you show disdain for authority, or "bending" the rules. Likewise, don't tell your child not to do something, such as wearing shoes on the carpet, and then let them see you doing that very thing.


It's crucial to recognize that children are great observers and imitators. When they notice consistency between what their parents say and do, it reinforces a strong message about integrity and self-discipline. For instance, practice patience and kindness in your interaction with others, and your child is likely to emulate these positive behaviors. Acts as simple as abiding by traffic rules, respecting people from all walks of life, and practicing good manners at the dinner table can serve as powerful lessons for your young ones. Being a role model isn't just about avoiding negative actions—it's about actively demonstrating traits you hope to instill.

4. Follow through

As I mentioned before, children WILL press the limits to see what they can get away with. You must, as the parent, lay down rules, and consequences that will ensue should your child break these rules. And, if that occurs, you need to follow through with the consequence. Punishments aren't scare tactics, rather, they teach children that when they do something wrong, there is a price to pay.


Consistency is key in any form of discipline. If a consequence is set, it must be applied whenever the rule is broken. This shows your child that you are serious about the boundaries you’ve established. Stick to your guns, even when it's tough. If you cave, your child learns that persistence pays off in the wrong way. Instead, when rules are indeed broken, deliver the consequence with a calm and firm demeanor. Remember, it's not about being harsh, but about being fair and reliable so your child understands the importance of responsibility and respect.

5. Encourage Your Child

The best way to teach kids to be obedient is to encourage them! When your child obeys you, and behaves well, mention their good behavior! Tell them you are proud of them for making good choices. Children are like plants. When nourished and cared for, they will flourish and do well!


Encouragement acts as sunlight for your child's growth in discipline. Be specific with your praises, highlighting the exact behavior that made you happy. For instance, saying, "I noticed how you shared your toys with your sister today, that was very kind" reinforces the positive action. This positive reinforcement not only boosts their self-esteem but also makes them more likely to repeat those actions. Remember also to encourage the effort, not just the outcome. Even if things don't go perfectly, recognizing their attempt to obey is crucial. This way, they understand that striving to do right is just as important as the act itself.

6. Explain Things

No one likes to be told to do something without being given a reason why. You should never tell your child to do something "because I told you so". Instead, explain the reason. To teach your kids to be obedient, let them know the purpose behind the command. They are more likely to obey you when they know why you want them to do what you asked them to do.


When you take the time to explain the reasoning behind your requests, you're doing more than just seeking compliance; you're educating your child on the importance of understanding and wisdom. Let them see the consequences of actions taken or not taken—like explaining that we wear a coat outside in the cold to avoid getting sick. This nurtures their ability to make informed decisions and helps them internalize good habits and behaviors, which in turn fosters a deeper, more respectful form of obedience that comes from understanding, not fear or blind submission.

7. Give Rewards

We all do better with a little encouraging, wouldn't you agree? One of the best ways to teach kids to be obedient is to offer them rewards when they have done well. A piece of candy, a sticker, a privilege, a new toy or some other small reward will often do wonders in encouraging obedience, particularly in smaller children! Just don't do it all the time. You want your child to obey you because it's the right thing to do, not because they want a treat.

Parenting is a challenge, and it's important to remember not to take your frustrations out on your child. But obedience is something that we need to work on teaching our children, on a daily basis. You can teach kids to be obedient with these tips and ideas! Do you have any suggestions for teaching kids to be obedient? I'd love to hear from you! Please comment below with all ideas and ways to teach kids to be obedient!

Top Image Source: pinterest.com

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They want to know WHY for everything... they are just learning what, why and how.. so it's up to us to explain.

I'd bet my last buck @Anonymous would be outraged if her husband still had a belt in HIS culturally accepted bag of 'choices' when it comes to dealing with HER. Remember that lovely scene between Connie and Carlo in 'The Godfather'? Such treatment of women wasn't particularly uncommon 70 years ago. Most modern people are apalled by Carlo doing that to his wife, but, bizarrely, too many would have no problem with the same scene if a seven-year-old little girl was in Connie's place instead. Think about it. It's SICK. Sadistic attitudes towards children are expressed in the comments section of nearly every online article about discipline. Comments that are racist, violent, misogynistic, or demean a particular group are usually deleted in forums, but when people talk openly about hurting children, in ways that could incite dangerous situations for kids, it is thought perfectly fine and nothing is deleted. There's a twisted, hypocritical flaw in that. Hitting someone smaller and weaker than you, or hitting anyone at all for reasons other than self-defense, is simply wrong.

1. Use a belt

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