7 Ways to Help Your Child to Develop Healthy Habits ...


Want to know the ways to help your child develop healthy habits at a young age? With the increase in childhood obesity, schools and restaurants are now focused on healthy changes to combat this. Everywhere you turn there are movements to help transform the lifestyle of children, getting them moving and eating healthier. Studies show that children that develop healthier habits will be more likely to continue this as an adult. Let’s get started with these ways to help your child develop healthy habits:

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Be a Role Model

It is much easier to create new habits and shape your child’s future if you lead by example. So get out for a bike ride together and start eating healthier. If you simply take your child with you to the grocery store and explain a food label, you will teach them an important skill they need for life. You should always know what you are putting into your body. This is one of the best ways to help your child develop healthy habits!


Move Together

Start including your child as part of your workout 1-2 days a week. When you head out for a run, bring along your child or do an exercise video together. If you move together you will get your child excited about exercise while creating new memories.


Limit Media Time

Shut off the computer and television to get your child outside for some fresh air. Often you turn on the television and get engaged in mindless entertainment to switch off. Although this may be relaxing, you will get a lot more out of your time if you get out for a walk and shut off the television.


Encourage Sport Involvement

Just because you were not a superstar athlete when you were in school does not mean that your child cannot be one. Encourage your child to join a sports team and get involved. Even if your child never becomes the best on the team, being part of a team teaches core values that will help shape their life. I tried nearly every sport and although running, basketball, tennis and volleyball are my favorites, trying every sport molded me to be the health fanatic I am today! So get your kids involved in sports.


Make Dinnertime Family Time

Shut off the television, put away your phone and show your child that dinnertime is family time. If you spend this time talking to your child about their day and eating healthy together, you will teach your child a habit that they will carry with them for their entire life.

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Create Nonfood Rewards

When your child brings home a good grade on their test or you celebrate a family birthday, create nonfood rewards like playing a game together. You want to make sure that food is not the focal point of each day. Life is more than breakfast, lunch and dinner; what about new active memories?


Go on an Active Vacation

Children love to be active and try new things so create an active vacation this year to get moving with your family. Go bike riding, hiking, paddle boating and whatever else floats your boat so that you can teach your child sometimes the greatest vacation is the most active one!

I hope these tips help you to get your child to adopt healthy and active habits that they will carry to the next generation. Health is the most important gift, so give your child the gift of health today by adopting these great tips and putting them into action.

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