Parenting Tips to Get through Homework Time without a Meltdown from You or Your Kid ...


Most parents just want to get through homework time without a meltdown from their child or having one themselves. Homework is something that parents don’t enjoy any more than their kids do. Homework battles are not usually a stranger to a home with children. But these 7 tips can help you both get through homework time a lot easier.

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1. Stay in the Loop

One of the best things you can do to get through homework time easier with your child is to stay in the loop with what is going on at school. Know what they are learning and working on. A great way to do this is read any information available on what your child is learning. Many schools send out newsletters or daily updates. There are often even personal websites where teachers can help you to keep up with what is going on. This makes it easier to know what your child should be doing.

2. Have a Set Time for Homework

If you have a set time for homework, there is no reason you have to argue over when it will be done. That is already decided and over with. This can save a lot of battles over when to do homework. When you child gets in the routine of doing their homework at the same time every day, a lot of stress will be eliminated for both of you. With a bit of routine, your child can hopefully settle into homework time without a reminder.

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3. Make Sure They Aren’t Hungry or Tired

If your child is tired or hungry, homework battles are much more likely to occur. And really, that is understandable. None of us are at our best when we are tired or hungry. To combat this, give them a snack if dinner is a way off. A 30 minute break to let them recharge from their school day can help, too.

4. Have a Quiet Area Designated for Homework

Homework is going to take a lot longer for your child if they are in an area where there are a lot of distractions. Try to find a place in your home where they can do their homework without this being a problem. They definitely do not need to be in a room with a television on or electronics close at hand. At our house, homework happens around the dining room table a lot. You will have to use some trial and error to see what seems to work best for your child.

5. Be Available for Help

As difficult as it is and as time consuming as it is, parents need to be available for help. I hate homework as much as the next parent but it is our responsibility to be close by and ready to assist. I have always taken the approach that I am here to help my children but not do their homework for them. I am much less likely to give them the answer than I am to point them in the right direction. After all, they need to learn what they are doing, not have the answer handed to them.

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6. Refuse to Battle

When you let your child know you will not battle over homework, the battles will mysteriously die down. Refuse to be drawn into an argument over homework. It is fine to sympathize with your child’s stress over homework. It is okay to agree that they have a lot of it or that it is overwhelming. But don’t allow yourself to be drawn into an argument over the subject. If that is close to occurring, walk away and let your child work out their frustrations on their own.

7. Get in Touch with the Teacher

If you think your child is struggling or falling below where they should be in their class, do not hesitate to get with their teacher. That is their job. There is also no shame in jotting off an email and asking the teacher to spend a little extra time with your child on a certain subject. That is actually very responsible parenting. The teacher may not be aware that a certain concept is difficult for your child unless you bring it to their attention.

Homework battles are no fun for anyone but these 7 steps can help you prevent them. How do you handle homework battles at your house? What have you found that works wonders with your children?

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