7 Mistakes New Moms Make That You Can Easily Avoid ...

Alicia Mar 9, 2014

There are some mistakes new moms make a lot. Learning to be a new mom is a lot of trial and error and all moms have to go through it. It is just part of the journey into parenthood. If you can be aware that these are some mistakes new moms make then maybe it can help you or someone you know who is becoming a new mom.

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1. Cutting Baby’s Nails While They Are Awake

This is a mistake I made when I had my first baby. I did not know that it would be so much easier to cut his nails while he was sleeping. I finally figured it out after trying to chase those tiny little waving hands around a few times. This is one of the common mistakes new moms make. It just takes a few tries before you figure out cutting their nails is a much easier task when they are sleeping.

2. Trying to Recover Too Quickly

Most moms attempt to recover from childbirth too quickly. I made this mistake, too. New moms are usually so anxious to get back on their feet and take over their normal duties. It is much better if you go slow and allow your body time to heal. You will eventually get back to yourself, don't worry.

3. Leaving Dad out

Sometimes moms accidentally leave dad out of the equation when they have a baby. They get so into new mom mode that they forget to include dad in baby care and bonding. It is an accidental mistake that a lot of moms make. Fortunately, it is very easy to fix. You just have to start inviting him to get involved with the baby more.

4. Not Asking Enough Questions

Sometimes new moms do not ask enough questions. They may feel like their questions are silly or they're embarrassed to ask them. The truth is there are no silly questions. That is what your doctor and your baby’s pediatrician are for. They can help you with all of those recovery and newborn questions that you may have.

5. Underestimating Themselves

Sometimes new moms lack confidence. While it is true that learning to care for a baby is a process, it is also true that no one can do a better job than a caring mother. It will come naturally as a new mom gets to know her baby. If you are feeling a little uneasy as a new mom, remind yourself that is to be expected and it will get easier with time. You can do all of this and do it well.

6. Not Reaching out for Help with Feeding Issues

If you are choosing to breastfeed, chances are high that you will encounter at least a small issue in breastfeeding at some point. Most mothers do and it is nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of new moms feel like it should just come naturally and are embarrassed if things don’t happen perfectly in that area. Very few mothers breastfeed effortlessly from the beginning. Don’t be afraid to seek help and support if you need it in this area.

7. Letting Baby Get Used to Only One Pacifier

One of the best things a new mom can do is to make sure that her baby does not get overly attached to just one pacifier. Switch them out every couple of days so that you don’t have a problem with your baby only taking one kind of pacifier. If that happens, you have a problem on your hands. You may not be able to find a replacement or your baby may reject any other pacifier after getting attached to that one certain pacifier. This is another lesson I learned from experience.

There is no perfect mom and all you can do is your best. These are a few examples of commonly made mistakes by new moms. What mistakes did you make when you were a new mother?

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I made the mistake with my youngest with getting him attached to one kind of pacifier, that ended up being discontinued...that was the hardest thing to ever break him from..we finally got him off it at 3 yrs old..up until he was 5 every time he saw one in the store he would try to bargain with us to get one..promising he would only use it at night, hide it from his friends and older brother ,etc..we never gave in..but it was adorable to see him try to argue his point lol. he still has his fave blankie, he's now 7. as soon as we learned how attached he was to it when he was a baby we ran out and bought more of the exact one..so far that has been wonderful, no problem if he accidentally leaves one at the grandparents or what not, we interchange them often so they all have that special smell and softness he's looking for in his special blankie..

Best thing to do is not give a dummy at all ! They cause teeth to come in misshapen.

Does anyone have advice for new moms that are worried for her like me?

I'm really scared about being a new mom, there's little things I still haven't even learned(like changing a diaper) or how to use a car seat-_- I'm hoping things will work out but I'm afraid for her safety and health

Getting dad involved is a must, how silly not too!! Sleep when your baby sleeps(maybe not Every time but...) Also a good idea and will revive you! My son never took a pacifier-once he realized, it felt like a bottle, but didn't feed him Lol!

Cutting nails when baby's awake been there done that my baby also didn't cooperate at all

I have a 16 month old and we are still dealing with #7. He will only take one kind of paci because the nipple is longer than any others we've been able to find. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find--we have to order it online or drive an hour and a half to get one AND they are 9.99 a piece! But the sorta funny thing is is it is a pacifier with a mustache on the end made by Fred and Friends.

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