Skip These Items when Packing Your Hospital Maternity Bag ...


Did you know there are several items you don't need in your hospital maternity bag? A lot of lists found in baby books and online are outdated and stuffed to the max with non-essential items. If you think about it, a hospital provides you and your baby everything you need to be taken care of properly! The rest is just for personal comfort. So here is a list of items you don't need in your hospital maternity bag- feel free to leave these back at home!

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One of the items you don't need in your hospital maternity bag are pads. You may think about bringing them along for post-delivery needs, but the hospital provides you with plenty of pads, along with ice packs and mesh undies that are far from being fashionable but really help soothe and bring down swelling. A little tip: wear spandex shorts to help keep all those bulky undergarments in place! And remember, you'll definitely need pads once you get home from the hospital, so stock up in advance.


Your Regular Clothes

The majority of your regular clothing will not fit for at least another few weeks after you deliver. While you may be blessed to have a pregnancy with limited excess weight gain, it still takes a while for your uterus to shrink back to its normal size! So keep your pre pregnancy clothes at home (minus a cardigan or something alike) and stick to your maternity wear.



Jewelry and other expensive items can easily be left at home. You won't need them and they can easily get lost or even stolen during you stay at the hospital! Plus, you might have swelling in your hands and feet, making it impossible to wear certain items anyway!


Pocket Change

Many outdated lists of what to bring the hospital include loose change. You definitely won't need loose change for a pay phone or vending machine, considering we all now have cell phones and the hospital cafeteria is stocked with much healthier items than a vending machine can offer! A better option would be to pack snacks for you and your partner in case the cafeteria is closed and you need something to eat late at night.


Multiple Baby Outfits

During your stay at the hospital, your baby will most likely be in a diaper, hospital t-shirt and swaddling blanket, all provided by the hospital. This provides easy access for yourself and hospital staff for baby's needs and quick checks. So, you'll really only need one outfit for going home in (or two, if you can't decide) and perhaps another for visitors.

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Even if you have a long, drawn-out labor, you won't be in the right frame of mind for entertainment. Movies, TV shows and even books and magazines are all great but you will be so consumed with baby's arrival that you won't need them! And once you deliver, there won't be time or even energy to spend on entertainment.


Nursing Pillow

If you plan on breastfeeding, a nursing pillow is definitely essential and convenient for having at home, however you won't need to bring it to the hospital. Lactation consultants will prop you up just right to feed your baby with tons of pillows and will make sure you're comfortable. It's just an item that causes bulk and hassle, so leave it at home!

It can be overwhelming when you think about all you and your sweet little one may need during your stay at the hospital. Just keep in mind that a baby doesn't need much, just his mama, to be happy! Hopefully knowing what NOT to bring is helpful as well. Is there anything you experienced moms would like to add to this list?

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I packed five outfits for my son and oh boy was I glad that I did. Between picture taking (the hospital had a professional available every day), general accidents while trying to nail diaper changing, and because weather wo/men are the worst psychics in recorded history I had one outfit left to take him home in. Take the clothes for your baby. You just never know.

Nice article

Yeah I'm packing clothes and my own pads cause i am stocked up anyways and honestly prefer my brand and my own grannie panties cause I'm not sure if ill like or he allergic to those mesh ones.

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