7 Ways to Organize Your Child's Toys ...


7 Ways to Organize Your Child's Toys ...
7 Ways to Organize Your Child's Toys ...

Chaos is the lack of organization, and chaos can occur in any child’s play space when their toys are not organized. It is common for kids to have more toys than they can possibly play with in their toy stash. It is also common to find toys in the stash that they have outgrown and no longer play with. There comes a time when it is necessary to organize and de-clutter your kids play space. There are a few ways to make this task easier and we have included them below. Here are 7 ways to organize your child's toys...

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1. Inventory

Take a close look at what toys your kids have; this is the first step in organizing their play space. Weeding out broken toys, duplicates and rarely played with toys is a good way to start; the fewer toys you have to cope with the easier it is to organize. Knowing the toy inventory makes all other organizational steps easy.

2. Get the Kids Involved

Your kids have a vested interest in what you are doing to with their toys. Involve them in your operation by allowing them to choose which toys to keep and which to dispose of. Set a few rules for how many toys can stay and let your kids decide which toys to keep. This is a great opportunity to impress upon your children the importance of donating to those less fortunate. Most children derive great pleasure from donating to other kids.

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3. Sort

Sorting toys by type or genre is the simplest method. For instance, sort all art and craft supplies like crayons, scissors and paper into one group and dolls into another. Sorting toys into groups according to type makes organizing simpler. While you are sorting, be on the alert for any toys you may have missed that should be disposed of.

4. Keep

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which toys to keep. If your family may expand you likely want to keep some toys for future children. When choosing which toys to keep for smaller kids, look for durable toys like building blocks and dolls (if they are in good condition). Keep in mind that new arrivals are often showered with new toys. When storing toys be sure to keep them in a temperature controlled, dry space.

5. Invest

Invest in some plastic containers for storing toys. Store like toys in each container so your child can easily find what they want. Stack-able, see-through containers are terrific for keeping toys organized. Under the bed storage containers are perfect for minimizing clutter while retaining easy accessibility.

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6. Organize

Once all the sorting has been accomplished and the toys that will be kept have been selected, organization can commence. Some call this step clutter control. There are many ways to organize but perhaps the most logical is to group toys by their use. Place sports related toys together, dolls and accessories together and to forth. Make your plan simple so that your kids can easily understand where the toys go.

7. Establish Routine

Set a specific time for toys to be picked up and put away every day. Labeling storage containers with words or pictures to help your child remember where each toy belongs at the end of the day.

Kids can learn to take good care of their toys. Make it easier for them by organizing their play space. What do you think is the best way to get kids to pick up their toys?

Top Photo Credit: carolinefergus

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