8 Pregnancy Peer Pressures You Should Ignore ...


8 Pregnancy Peer Pressures You Should Ignore ...
8 Pregnancy Peer Pressures You Should Ignore ...

Everyone is aware that parenting is full of peer pressure and tough decisions, but did you know that there are pregnancy peer pressures, too!? It seems that the celebrity world has gone baby-mad at the moment, with a whole variety of high-profile babies on the way (Kim-K and K-Mid, we are looking at you!). Here are the pregnancy peer pressures you can safely ignore.

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Remortgaging for a Transport System…

One from the very start of pregnancy peer pressures, this one is definitely getting a lot worse. When I was born, everyone wanted a retro-style Silver Cross pram – but they cost a lot, and for most people, remained a dream. These days, it’s not just a pram, it’s a complete transport system that’s fitted with amazing safety features, things that will help your baby sleep and probably IQ boosters…and the price is as big as you are imagining. If you can afford it, and really want one, invest away. But if you’d be just as happy with something cheaper, or if it will get you into debt, don’t bother. It’s a lot of money on something that you won’t use for long!


Birthing Styles…

Anyone who has been to a prenatal class has been asked the question…what’s in your birth plan? Ten years ago, C-sections were longed after, and a natural birth was seen as the lesser way to deliver your baby. Now, women seem to compete to give birth in the most natural way, from refusing all gas and air to hypnobirthing and even orgasmic birthing. Ignore all the chatter, and read up on the styles before choosing the best one for you. Nobody will care how you delivered when your gorgeous baby is around, anyway…


A Maternity Wardrobe…

It started with celebrities being splashed everywhere, in all stages of pregnancy, and people commenting on how they had a gorgeous glow, a lovely bump, and an amazing wardrobe. Then the celebrities spoke, and said how easy pregnancy was, and how their relationship is better than ever. Now we’ve got stores dedicated to making pregnant women look hot, beauty treatments that won’t affect baby and an expectation that every pregnant lady should be a yummy mummy right up to the birth. It’s a whole load of extra pressure, so if you feel like spending the day in a t-shirt and trackies, going make-up less or taking it easy, feel free. Don’t they know you are working hard growing a baby?!


Eating like a King…

Food has always been a controversial pregnancy topic. Countries and agencies tend to disagree on what is safe and how much can be consumed, and there is always reports linking various foods to post-birth problems. Spending 9 months avoiding all alcohol and any banned foods is hard enough, so why is there so much pressure to opt for all-organic, local and completely fresh foods? Not to mention those suggesting you cut down your intake to ensure you lose the baby weight quickly… If you are worried, speak to your doctor, but most people can continue to eat relatively normally without worrying. Once the morning sickness has passed, you’ll just be happy that you can eat again, whether it’s a burger or a banana.


Pregnancy Pillows…

Once you hit six months, everyone will comment on your bump. And it won’t be long before they are telling you about a whole bunch of pregnancy aids, too…pregnancy pillows are firm pillows that offer support to the bump, and can make sleeping more comfortable – but they are at least five times more expensive than normal cushions. Feeding pillows are soft and nicely decorated for breastfeeding babies on, but they tend to be expensive too…and who wants to completely cover their house in pregnancy things?! Normal pillows will do just fine, if you don’t feel like trekking round pregnancy stores with a HUGE pillow, and spending a fortune.


Yoga Poses…

Whether you are a yoga-lover or you wouldn’t be caught dead in the downward dog, pregnancy yoga seems to be essential for everyone. Classes have flooded every town hall and community center, and there’s plenty of promised benefits, including a calm, restful baby that sleeps like a dream, and a calm, painless labor…but back in the real world, you’ll probably find you are asked more than once. If you’ve always been curious, check it out. If it’s not your thing, don’t be afraid to back out of it. After all, there’s always time for bizarre classes after the baby is born.


Nappy Nightmare…

Nobody looks forward to changing nappies – it’s a good job those gorgeous babies are worth it! But you’ll probably find yourself thinking about nappies a lot earlier than you were expecting. Everyone from close friends to complete strangers will have an opinion on the disposables or washable debate, the breast v. bottle debate…oh, and don’t forget the whole argument surrounding dummies. Consider the options, listen to the advice, and make your own decisions. What’s right for your baby is the same as what is right for you, and there’s no real way of going wrong.


IQ Boosting…

Have you been playing your baby Mozart? Stocking up on the entire Baby Einstein back catalogue? Speaking to them in five different languages? There are whole journals full of things that have been linked with increasing babies’ IQs – and a whole collection of discredited ideas, too. If you want to speak to your baby in a different language, go for it. Listening to music can be a great way of bonding, especially if your baby kicks along. But don’t stress yourself out to educate your child already. He’s growing, and that’s all he needs to do just now.

How many of these pregnancy peer pressures did you feel? It seems the mother and baby world is filling up with ideas, expectations and new gadgets. Is it time we rejected these ideals, and let every expectant mother do what they need to?! Let me know what you think!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

reading this made me feel blessed that i was the first one in my circle of friends to get pregnant. most of my female friends just listen in awe and ask "what else?" when i talk about pregnancy instead of offering me well-meant advice

I hope my degree will have people shut up a bit! And in some way the fashion bit makes me dread pregnancy a bit less...

I'll never forget going to a birthing class with my foster sister (Mat) while she was pregnant. One on the women leading the class came up to her and asked what her birth plan was. Mat just stared at her and said (with a downward sweeping hand motion,) "I'm just planning on, you know, pushing her out."

I was the first of my friends to fall pregnant so they didn't really say anything, but the older women I know, oh god. They had everything to say. I pretty much went along worth what I thought was safe and my choice. Natural birth, I had to have pain drugs though, my pain tolerance is minus 10. Pram, mine was about $900 with all the extras, but the one I originally wanted was $2200 and I was fine with paying that as I knew I would use it a lot. I use my pram daily. Didn't use any IQ things, and still my son is excelling. As far as maternity clothes go, they're way to expensive in comparison to normal clothes in a bigger size. I found in pregnancy your own personal choices are best, do what you feel is right.

When everyone around me found out I am pregnant they started spouting what I needed to do here, there, what I should get, how I should do this, how theirs went. I am all for ideas and of course open to stories, advice. I was not pleased with the pressures. The one thing I have really had to deal with has been vitamins/prenatal pills. I have switched three times. Everyone is different and this is my first pregnancy so I like the direction but I like to figure out what works for me, myself.

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