Serena Williams, who just gave birth to an infant girl, has said that she does not know what to do with a baby. Even she needs tips for new mothers! The following tips have been created in order to help women like her. These tips for new moms are not meant to be part of a guide that supplements directions provided by a paediatrician. These tips for new mothers are meant to serve as a means for enriching and enhancing conventional baby-care guidelines.
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1. Give Your Baby Lots of Love
Every infant longs for evidence of security and, in a baby’s eyes, love represents a promise of security. So, be conscious of where your baby is sleeping or playing, and make sure no object that could harm your baby is in this particular space. For example, do not use plastic to cover the mattress in the crib.
Feel free to kiss your new son or daughter. On the other hand, do not feel that you should allow every visitor to kiss the new addition to your household. Recent evidence suggests that a baby could fall victim to the herpes virus existing quietly on the lips of another, or a cold virus.
2. Make a Point of Prioritizing Feeding Your Baby
Babies need two things: love and food. Become acquainted with the concept of sterile equipment. During the first couple months of your baby’s life, you must be sure that only sterile objects are used during the feeding process. Of course, if you are nursing your baby, that will not be much of a problem.
If you can nurse your baby, welcome that opportunity and enjoy it. If the doctor has said that you should not nurse, then heed that professional advice. You will need to find other ways to establish a close connection between you and your child.
3. Connect with Your Baby by Taking Part in Its Development
Once you pursue this path, you should have little reason to repeat the question that was on Serena’s lips: What can I do with a baby? As you discover what your child is ready to learn next, you will think about what playtime activity might facilitate a simple learning experience.
Children learn by playing. So, set aside some time to play with your baby. Ideally, each of the playtime activities you initiate will help your baby discover a new aspect of this world. In other words, playtime should set the stage for a learning experience.
4. A Baby That is Less than One Week Old Seeks to Make Sense of a World That is Hard to See
An infant’s vision improves over their first week. Yet even an infant with limited vision can enjoy certain games. For example, you can hold your baby while standing in front of a mirror.
A baby has learned to recognize its Mother’s face, and knows when it enjoys the security of a Mother’s arms. Hence, it can begin to grasp the concept of a reflected image. As a result, it will welcome the chance to get yet another look its Mother's reflection holding an infant.
5. New Babies See the World as a Sort of Blur
Babies can, however, note the presence of certain bold colors, especially red. For that reason, a new moms should find a few red objects to dangle in front of their baby’s eyes.
Obviously, moms cannot stand over their child 24 hours a day. That is why parents should think about buying a mobile, to hang over the crib. A mobile that contains a wealth of bold colors will do the best job of attracting and holding the infant’s attention.
6. Some Mobiles Play a Lullaby
Yet no mother should think that a baby has limited taste in music; an infant responds to any type of music. Typically an babies more than two weeks old start to stay awake for a brief period in the late afternoon, after a long nap. At that time, an attentive mother can introduce a new playtime activity.
During this time mother's can arrange some music. As the music plays, a mom can hold her baby and dance to that tune. If she gets tired, she can take a rest and let her child listen to the music.
7. A Mother Can Talk to Her Infant
It is never too early to introduce a child to a rich vocabulary. Sometimes music helps a woman become reflective. In that reflective mood, she may begin to think about what wonderful times could lay in her baby’s future. She can share her thoughts with her child.
A mom should watch for any opportunity that gives her the excuse to talk to her child. For example, she have a oneway conversation, and just describe what she is doing. Maybe she has chosen to watch an activity. In that case, she can talk about what she is observing.
8. Babies DoN't like to Be Frightened, but They Enjoy Surprises
This fact can be used to introduce a couple other playtime activities. One of these can be a daily activity starting at about one month.
While the baby is on his or her back, cover its face with a light cloth, scarf or handkerchief. Ask this question: Where is _________ (put the baby’s name in the blank)? Soon after asking that question remove the cloth and say this: There he is./There she is. This game can be repeated countless times, even as the child grows older.
9. Strollers or Car Seats Are Another Way to Introduce a Surprise
Put the seated baby in front of a mirror. Collect a few small dolls and place them behind the baby. Then take one doll at a time, and have its head pop up above the back of the baby’s seat. This introduces it to the concept of a puppet show. Later, a mom can make good use of a child’s love for puppets. On a rainy day, a bored child can be encouraged to put on a puppet show, while a parent or caregiver sits in the “audience.”
10. Lull a Child to Sleep with a Repetitive Activity
For example, a few thin, lightweight lids from plastic containers can be rolled down a small, slanted surface. The child will be fascinated and watch them closely.
This trick works in the same way that any repetitive activity will bore an adult, and can cause a tired adult to fall asleep. The tired child thinks that mom has created another playtime, and soon mom gains some valuable time because her child is sleeping.
Do not hesitate to dream up other activities that can be added to this list. For example, it hasn't mentioned the games that can be played using baby’s toes or mother’s fingers. Listing these would have made this list decidedly longer!