7 Fun Things to do with Your Tween Daughter to Bond with Them ...


7 Fun Things to do with Your Tween Daughter to Bond with Them ...
7 Fun Things to do with Your Tween Daughter to Bond with Them ...

Are you trying to figure out fun things to do with your tween daughter? It is important to find things that you can do to bond together. It is really important to capture her heart at this young age and let her know that you are ready and willing to be there for her and show that you want to listen to her. These fun things to do with your tween daughter give you the perfect opportunity to become closer.

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1. Shop

Most girls love to shop, at any age. My tween daughter loves to shop. She loves to shop at different stores than I do but she still enjoys going shopping. This is one of the best fun things to do with your tween daughter because you can both enjoy it. Also, many wonderful conversations can be had in between discussing body lotion scents or different styles of jeans.

2. Go out for Coffee

Going out for coffee with your tween daughter is such a fun thing to do for both of you. Not only do you both get a treat that you will enjoy but your daughter gets to feel very grown up while she enjoys this treat. It is a very adult thing to do that will make a sweet memory for her. This is a great way to bond. After all, don’t we meet our girlfriends for coffee for that very reason?

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3. Go See a Movie She Wants to See

It is fun to see the world through the eyes of your tween. She may not choose the same movie that you would like to see but it can give you a look inside of her world and allow you to see her interests and what is enjoyable to her. My daughter and I recently went and watched a movie and though it wasn’t one I would choose, it was okay. The fact that she had fun and loved being with me more than made up for the fact that I was watching something I didn’t really want to see. These little moments make a big difference in the life of your tween daughter.

4. Bake Something Together

Baking is therapeutic, don’t you agree? It soothes the soul to get lost in making cookie dough or frosting cupcakes. Your tween is at an age where she is probably curious about learning about baking and cooking, so this is a perfect activity. She will enjoy it as much as you do. Additionally, many times when we are preoccupied with a task such as making cookie dough or frosting cupcakes, the sweetest, most precious conversations happen. The kind that bonding is made of.

5. Just Talk

All little girls may not be like this but mine can talk and talk and talk. We don’t have to have an activity to get her to open up to me. If she has an opening, she will take it to chatter. I know you are busy, fellow Moms, but please take the time to listen to your tween. If she learns that you are listening and there for her now, she will come to you in the upcoming teen years. It is time well spent.

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6. Do a Craft Together

Little girls love crafts, especially as they approach the tween age. Do a craft together. You can learn together, have fun and giggle over your mistakes. And in the end, you have a tangible reminder of that time you spent together. Most likely that craft will be something you both treasure for years.

7. Go Get Pedicures

Pedicures are another grown up activity you can do with your tween. She will love being pampered and getting the royal treatment. This allows her to feel very grown up and she will love you for it. She may talk to you about anything while she is getting her pedicure. Even if she is very quiet, it is still a great opportunity for bonding.

The tween years are such a sweet time to bond for a mother and daughter. Take advantage of every one of those moments that you can. What do you do to bond with your tween daughter?

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Awesome list love the pedicure idea

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