7 Fun-filled Adventures to Have with Your Kids ...


7 Fun-filled Adventures to Have with Your Kids ...
7 Fun-filled Adventures to Have with Your Kids ...

Being a parent is an experience all its own, and there are tons of adventures to have with your kids make the ride even more memorable. When your kids are all grown up, going off to college, getting married and having their own families, it is those adventures that you had together when they were little that you will hold near and dear to your heart. Make the most out of the time you have while they are tots with these adventures to have with your kids.

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Playing in the Mud

Playing in the Mud One of the most fun-filled adventures to have with your kids is, believe it or not, playing in the mud. I am a neat freak, so I totally know what you are thinking, but believe me, the dirt will wash away; it's the memories that will stay. So, the next time it rains, its hot outside and you're looking for a fun way to cool off or you are looking for something to keep your little ones occupied, head out and make some mud puddles. Everyone will have tons of fun splashing about and making mud pies, and at the end of the day, the smiles will be priceless.


Climbing a Tree

Remember how much fun climbing a tree was when you were a kid? Well, it's just as much fun for your kids today - and you'll probably have even more fun climbing them with your kids. Go ahead and find a great climbing tree and let the adventures unfold from there.


Go on a Hike

Hiking is one of my favorite things to do with my little one. Not only is it a great way to get outside, enjoy nature and get some exercise, but it's a great learning experience and we always have a new adventure. Sometimes we pretend we are looking for treasure, sometimes we pretend we are explorers and sometimes we just stroll along. We always discover something new and collect rocks, sticks and other goodies from nature.


Star Gazing

When the sun goes down, spread out a blanket on your lawn and gaze up at the diamonds in the sky. I point out constellations, and we also make up our own. It's a great adventure to have with the kids.


Explore Tide Pools

Explore Tide Pools If you're lucky enough to live by the beach, go and explore some tide pools. There are always interesting creatures swimming about in the pools. Just this summer we saw some little crabs and fish swimming about. So cool!

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Go on a Road Trip

I know many may think I'm nuts for saying this, but I actually find road trips to be much more enjoyable with my 3-year-old than I ever did before. It's so much fun pointing out the things we see from the car window, playing eye-spy and stopping to explore random places we pass on our travels. We just came back from a road trip where we were delighted to see a bear!


Cooking and Baking

Cooking and Baking While cooking and baking may be an everyday task to you, to your kids, its an adventure. The next time you're making dinner or you want to whip up a batch of cookies, employ the help of your kids. It makes the task more enjoyable and it even makes the food taste better.

There are tons of adventures to have with your kids - these happen to be some of my favorites. What adventures do you and your kids enjoy together?

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