7 Ways to Enjoy a Snow Day with Your Kids ...


7 Ways to Enjoy a Snow Day with Your Kids ...
7 Ways to Enjoy a Snow Day with Your Kids ...

There are many ways to enjoy a snow day with your kids. I have a confession. I'm dreaming of snow days to come this winter and looking forward to doing all these fun things with my kids. Hopefully you'll feel that way, too, after reading these ways to enjoy a snow day with your kids.

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1. Make a Yummy Homemade Breakfast

One of the nicest ways to enjoy a snow day with your kids is to make a yummy homemade breakfast. School mornings are hectic. There isn't a lot of time to fix a homemade breakfast when you're focused on getting everyone out the door. Snow days are the perfect time to make omelets, French toast or our family's favorite, chocolate chip pancakes. This is a great way to start your snow day.

2. Stay in Your Jammies

Snow days are a rare treat. Why not stay in your jammies? This is something else you probably rarely get to do. Enjoy a day of relaxation in pajamas that are the ultimate in comfort. It's refreshing to get a break from the norm.

3. Watch Some Movies

Snow days are a great time to watch some movies you haven't had a chance to watch with your kids yet. Maybe your kids got a stack of DVDs for Christmas or there's a movie they want to see on pay-per-view. Make a big bowl of popcorn and settle in. Not only will you enjoy this time with your children but it's a great way to make memories with them. They'll look back on these snow days spent watching movies with fondness.

4. Go Sleigh-riding

Of course you want to go sleigh-riding with your kids if there's enough snow and the temperatures aren't dangerously cold. This is an activity your children will love. It's also one that you'll probably find you enjoy as much as they do. It's a fun way to enjoy childlike fun for a little while. Coming in to make hot chocolate afterward is the perfect way to end this activity.

5. Sleep in

This may be the very best thing about snow days. If you're lucky enough to know there's no school ahead of time then you can leave the alarm clock off. Most kids enjoy not having to get up early, too. When you do wake up, you'll find that you all feel refreshed and ready to enjoy your day. Sleeping in is a rare treat to savor.

6. Dig in on a Project

Snow days are the perfect time to start a fun project. Puzzles are a great idea for older kids. This is something you can enjoy doing together over the course of several days or even a week. It's also a good time to help your children on any craft kits they may have tucked back in their closet. A surprising bonus is that a lot of kids will open up to you about things going on in their lives when you're working on a project together.

7. Play Some Board Games

Board games are an activity that go way back and they're still as much fun as when you were little. Play your child's favorite or introduce them to some of the ones you loved as a child. Card games are a good choice, too. Whether you're playing Go Fish or Uno, you'll have a good time. This is a fun way to spend your snow day.

Snow days are an unexpected treat for most families. These are 7 fun things to enjoy with your children on snow days. What are some things you and your children do to enjoy them?

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