7 Things to Remember when Your Teenager Hates You ...


7 Things to Remember when Your Teenager Hates You ...
7 Things to Remember when Your Teenager Hates You ...

There are going to be times in every parent’s life when your teenager hates you. You can take it to the bank that this can and will happen, probably on a regular basis. How do I know this? I am the parent of a teenager and a pre-teenager that practice this skill with ease. It can be difficult to cope when your teenager hates you, but the following list of things to remember when you are in this situation should make it easier to deal with.

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1. You Are Doing Your Job

When your teenager hates you, it usually means you are doing your job right. Of course teenagers are going to baulk at rules and the structure you give them — they are teenagers, after all. But the point remains that they need rules and structure and it is our responsibility to give that to them. After all, they aren’t quite as ready to take on the world as they think they are. We have to protect them from themselves.


Being resilient in the face of your teen's animosity isn't easy. Yet, it’s crucial to bear in mind that this phase is often temporary and part of their journey to adulthood. As they push boundaries, our consistent enforcement of rules demonstrates unwaveraloving care and concern for their well-being. Even when they resist, deep down they rely on the safety net that our guidance provides. Stay the course—this turbulent period will eventually give way to respect and understanding as they mature.

2. They Are Just Angry

Your teenager doesn’t hate you, even when they claim very vehemently that they do. They are angry and expressing hatred is their chosen way to deliver this message to you. They do not have the maturity to have an adult conversation with you. And as much as you would like them to hear the wisdom you want to give them, it most likely isn’t going to happen. They have decided that for now, you are the enemy.


When your teenager expresses hatred towards you, it can be an incredibly difficult and emotionally draining experience. It is important to remember that teenagers are still developing and lack the maturity to express their feelings in a constructive way. They may not be able to have an adult conversation with you, and instead choose to express their anger in the form of hatred.

It is important to remember that your teenager does not actually hate you. They are just expressing their anger in this way. It is also important to remember that your teenager is still in the process of growing and developing. They may not be able to think through their emotions in a rational way, and may not be able to take your advice or wisdom into consideration.

It is important to remain patient and understanding when your teenager expresses hatred towards you. It is important to try to remain calm and not take their words personally. It is also important to remember that your teenager is likely going through a difficult time in their life, and their emotions may be heightened.

Frequently asked questions

Oh, I know it feels like that sometimes! Teens are going through a lot of changes, and sometimes their emotions can be really intense. It's often not about you specifically, but about them figuring out who they are.

Communication is key. Make time for them, listen without judgment, and try to understand things from their perspective. Sometimes just being present and supportive can make a big difference.

First of all, breathe. It's tough, but try to stay calm. Listen to them without getting defensive. Show them you care and are there for them, even if they push you away.

Absolutely. It's a part of their growth. They're trying to establish their independence and might say or do things that seem harsh. It's an emotional rollercoaster, but it doesn’t mean they truly hate you deep down.

Give them space but let them know you're there when they're ready. Sometimes, they just need time to cool off. Don’t force conversations, but keep the door open. Patience is important!

3. They do Love You

Rest assured that your children still do love you in the midst of the turbulent teenage years. They don’t mean to be unloving; they simply are too busy trying to deal with the crazy changes happening to them to show their emotions for you. Sometimes their love will show in a family crisis, showing you the true strength of character that lies beneath their teenage exterior. And on rare occasions, you may get a glimpse of their caring feelings in a hug goodbye or an "I love you" at the end of a text. Cherish those moments when they do happen.


It's easy to feel disconnected from your teen, but underneath the eye rolls and seemingly dismissive attitude, is a deep-seated bond that transcends the mood swings. They might not be as effusive with their affection as they were during childhood, but this doesn't equate to a lack of love. Remember that adolescence is a time of self-discovery, and amidst this journey, moments of tenderness can be fleeting yet profound. When your teenager assists without being asked or takes interest in your day, recognize these as their ways to express that they care. Every small gesture is a reminder that the love remains strong, even if unspoken.

4. You Are Their Safe Place

Your teenager feels safe in hating you because they know you love them. They know your love is unconditional no matter what they say or do. This is actually a good thing although it doesn’t feel like it at the time. They are letting you know that you are their safe place. They are confident you can handle their very raw emotions.


It's in these turbulent emotional storms that your consistent presence becomes their anchor. While their words may sting, remember that this phase is a testament to the strength of your bond. Your teenager is growing, seeking independence, and part of that process involves testing boundaries, especially with those they trust most deeply. By offering a steady hand and an open heart, you're telling them that it's okay to be vulnerable and that they will always have a safe haven in you.

5. Keep the Communication Lines Open

It is important to remember that you need to keep the communication lines open with your teenager. They need to know that they can always come to you to talk over any situation and you will hear them. It is important to show them that you will not react with anger when they are honest with you. If you establish this connection with them early on, your teen knows they can always talk to you no matter how tense the situation they find themselves in becomes.


Creating an environment where open communication is a norm paves the way for trust-building. Respect their privacy, but also remind them that you're a reliable confidante in perplexing times. By being a patient listener, you encourage your teen to share their thoughts without fear of judgment. Reinforce the idea that you're not just a parent, but also a guide and ally who can help navigate the choppy waters of adolescence. Encourage them to express their feelings, and make sure to validate those feelings, even when you don't fully understand or agree with their perspective.

6. They Can’t See the Full Picture

A lot of times our teenagers hate us because they can’t see what we are seeing. We are looking at situations with a mature and balanced view. Your teenager cannot see them this way. They are looking at the situation through a skewed lens that only emphasizes their desires regardless of the cost or risk. These times are times you simply have to hold firm because you do know what is best.


This inability to view the bigger picture means your teen may not appreciate the consequences that could come from their choices. It's not because they're intentionally being difficult—they simply haven't developed the foresight that comes with experience. Remembering this when they lash out can be comforting. You're not just enforcing rules; you're guiding them toward a safer, more thoughtful approach to life that they will one day understand and maybe even thank you for.

7. Someday They Will Thank You

Your teenager will not hate you forever, although it sometimes feels as if they might. Someday they will outgrow this stage of their life where emotions and hormones are calling the shots and actually be able to see reason. Someday you will be able to have a conversation with them that doesn’t involve screaming and slammed doors. They may even, at some date far in the future, thank you for saving them from all of their immature and foolish antics. As hard as this is to believe, it actually does happen.

How do you handle the times when it seems your teenager hates you? Do you allow them their space to vent? Do you try to reason with them? What have you found to be the best solution when you are dealing with a teen?


It is important to remember that teenage years are a time of growth and development. During this time, teens are trying to figure out who they are and how they fit into the world around them. This can be a challenging and confusing process, and it is not uncommon for teens to lash out at their parents as they struggle to make sense of their lives.

At the same time, it is important to remember that your teenager's emotions are real and valid. While it may be difficult to handle their anger and frustration, it is important to recognize that they are going through a difficult time and need support and understanding.

It is also important to remember that communication is key. While it may be tempting to simply ignore your teen's outbursts, it is important to take the time to listen to them and try to understand what is going on. This can be a difficult process, but it is important to remember that it is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

When I am in my teen mode the best thing is honestly to make me feel bad . That is the only thing that gets me out of my funk is making me feel bad

sometimes parents dont see the bigger picture. i absolutely cannot stand when i read these kind of things. Parents say the wrong thing quite a bit of the time really, not ALL parents do, but generally the kind of people who follow this post do. If you think you are 'doing your job right' when your child hates you then no, you're not doing your job right at all. Parents always talk about respect, but they dont always respect their child or children, isnt that important? I honestly have heard so many illogical things from parents over the years. And before anyone asks no, i do not have kids, but i will not suddenly gain some understanding which means i can treat my kids with little respect and believe that im doing my job right when they hate me, when i have them.

I remember saying this to my Mom as a teenager. She would simply reply with good. I hate you as well. That certainly made me shut up. In reality I didn't actually hate her. I was just in fact, angry. I love my Mom! And do happen to thank her everyday for all that she did and will continue to do for me.

Sorry but im a teenager and this post is rubbish i hate my most of the time

Your comments made me laugh Jane. Not to stoke the fires here but I have actually said this to my angry(passionate) 17 yr. old daughter. “I may love you. That does not mean I HAVE to like you" I really believe that most mother daughter fights, arguments and tantrums, stem from the fact that they are very much alike. My husband and my mom AND my sisters tell Me that ALLLL of the time. I take this as a compliment

We teenagers are just angry! And frustrated... I could never imagine really hating mom... She's the most beautiful thing in my life... I'm gonna tell her :) thanks for your post!

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