As you prepare both mentally and physically for your upcoming natural labor, there are certain things you can focus on to help you. Delivering a baby naturally is no easy feat but with preparation and the right mindset, you will get through this relaxed and completely ready. Just keep positive thoughts and enjoy the total experience because as a mom of four, I guarantee this is something you will never forget. It is the start of a whole new chapter that is filled with milestones and beautiful moments!
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1. Miracle
When you think of your labor and delivery, think of the extraordinary gift you have growing inside you. Having a natural labor will allow you to meet your miracle without feeling cloudy with pain relieving medication like an epidural. So focus on the miracle and beauty of birthing the beautiful baby inside of you!
2. Light at the End of Tunnel
If you are like me and you had a rough pregnancy, you might be so ready to have this child. So think of the light at the end of the tunnel. Going through a natural labor will be temporary pain, but the beauty will be meeting your baby. And you will not be sick in pregnancy any longer because you won’t be pregnant!
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3. Positive Thoughts
One thing that will keep your spirits up during labor is having the right mental state. This keeps you from giving up and turning to medication. For a speedier recovery, clear recollection of the experience of labor and less risk of complications, stay positive and have a natural labor. You will be so glad that you did!
4. Great Pain Brings Great Pleasure
Great pain brings great pleasure as you deliver your angel into the world. All the pain in the world seems to disappear when you hold your baby in your arms. You are in awe and you may find yourself flooded with tears because you finally meet the miracle that has given you every kick, squirm, heartburn and hiccup. You are connected and now you finally meet!
5. Practice Relaxation Techniques
Yoga, meditation, and even light music can help to relax your senses and have your contractions coming on more easily. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for contractions to come on. So be prepared with yoga exercises, breathing techniques and light music so you will labor more easily and enjoy the experience!
6. Cast Away Your Fears
The fear of the unknown can have you feeling super stressed and this is especially the case when you are delivering in a hospital. I was so stressed when I went to the hospital because I knew there was a loss of control. There are so many things out of my control and it was stressful. But I realized I needed to cast away my fears and just be open to the experience of childbirth. It all works out and you have a beautiful miracle as a result!
7. You Will Never ForgEt This Experience
After just delivering my fourth child a few weeks ago, I will tell you that you will never forget the experience of childbirth. There is nothing like the experience of joys, pain, beauty and light. My eldest daughter who is 11 sill asks about my delivery of her and I remember the experience as if it were yesterday! So be prepared to have your life changed and be ready for a natural labor of life!
So mama-to-be do not be terrified, I promise the experience of new life will be a joy you will never forget. And you will grow in so many beautiful ways as a result!