7 Reasons to Stop Blaming Your Parents ...


Do you ever think that you should stop blaming your parents for anything that's gone wrong in your life? Or for how they treat you now? While we shouldn't tolerate being treated badly by our parents, fully grown adults shouldn't stomp around moaning about their childhood. Yet many people do hold their parents responsible for things that have gone wrong in their life. Here are some reasons to stop blaming your parents …

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You're an Adult

The first reason to stop blaming your parents is that you're an adult now. Maybe you even have your own children. And do you want them to be whinging in 30 years time about how everything is your fault? I knew one thirtysomething who held his parents responsible for all his problems. It wasn't true, and was not an appealing attitude in a supposedly mature man.


As we grow older, we gain autonomy and the power to shape our own destinies. Holding on to parental blame can prevent us from fully embracing that autonomy. It's like driving a car and constantly looking in the rearview mirror; eventually, you are bound to crash. When we transition into adulthood, the responsibility for our choices and happiness becomes squarely our own. Choosing to let go of past grievances is a liberating step towards personal growth and a happier, more responsible adulthood.


They Did Their Best

As is often said, kids don't come with an instruction manual. There's no foolproof guide to being a (good) parent, and parents are only human. They don't get it right all the time. Cut them a little slack. Bringing up children is a difficult job, and they did their best.


Even with the multitude of parenting books, blogs, and gurus out there, much of parenting remains uncharted territory. Each child is a unique individual, and what works for one might not work for another. Parents often have to navigate the complex maze of child-rearing through trial and error, relying on their instincts and the often contradictory advice they receive from every side. Acknowledging this, it's important to recognize the effort and sacrifices your parents made, trying to provide the best upbringing within their capacity, understanding, and circumstances.


They're Not at Fault

It might not actually be fair to blame your parents for anything. Be honest with yourself - are you just stuck in old patterns of thinking it's their fault? It might not actually be anyone's fault at all. When we're young, we see our parents as all-powerful, but as adults we need to realise that they're not. And if they're not all-powerful, then they're not responsible for everything either.


As we mature, the veil lifts and we begin to see our parents as mere mortals, complete with their own set of flaws and limitations. They, too, had their own challenges and perhaps lacked the resources or knowledge we have today. In the end, holding onto bitterness only serves to hinder our own growth. It's crucial to recognize that healing begins with releasing the grip of blame and learning to navigate life's complexities with a fresh perspective and self-compassion.


Relinquishing Responsibility

Every teen blames their parents - it's part of the 'it's so unfair!' stage of adolescence, Blaming your parents when you're now an adult is essentially giving up responsibility for yourself and your life. Even if your parents aren't the best, you have to take charge of your own life and happiness. Don't make them responsible for making your life turn out well.


Holding on to the past can prevent you from moving forward and achieving your full potential. Embrace empowerment by acknowledging the choices you can make today, regardless of your upbringing. Sure, parents have a foundational impact, but as an adult, it's your journey to shape. Shift the focus from blame to proactive change; take the lessons, grow from them, and shape a life that reflects who you are and who you want to be. Ultimately, self-accountability is the hallmark of maturity and the key to personal development.



Yes, your parents may well have got things wrong at times, but they're human, and people make mistakes. Forgiving them for their mistakes, even if only in your own head, frees you from being stuck in the past and seeing yourself as a victim. It's so much better for you to move on - you'll be a happier person for it. You can't change people, so change how you view the situation instead.


Understanding that everyone carries their own histories and challenges can provide perspective on your parents' actions. Practice empathy and realize they did what they could with the knowledge and resources they had at the time. This isn’t about excusing harmful behavior, but about liberating yourself. Seek closure, whether through conversation, journaling, or even therapy. By relinquishing the hold of grudges, you're not approving past wrongs but empowering yourself to craft a life unburdened by resentment—a life where you choose the narrative. Inner peace stems from this act of emotional generosity, not just to them, but to yourself.

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Parents Aren't Perfect

Nobody's perfect, and parents are no exception. So give yours a break and accept that they're only human. It's impossible to be the perfect parent. Even if you think you're doing everything right, you're not going to keep your kids 100% happy. Make allowances for your parents.


We grow up imagining our parents are superheroes, capable of fixing anything. As adults, we realize they're flawed, with their own emotional baggage and missteps. They made choices that, for better or worse, shaped our stories. But clinging to resentment only stunts personal growth and happiness. Embrace forgiveness and understand that your parents probably did the best they could with the knowledge and resources they had. Recognize their humanity, and you'll find a sense of peace while navigating your own parenthood journey or understanding your upbringing.


Living in the past

Maybe your parents did make mistakes. But if you carry on blaming them, you're allowing yourself to be stuck in the past. That's not a healthy place to be, and it will only make you unhappy. Live in the present instead, and be a happier person.

Holding your parents responsible for your problems means you're stuck in the past or in a victim mentality, or that you're not behaving like an adult who is responsible for themselves, their mistakes and their happiness. Do you know someone who still blames their parents?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

When your mother warns you of the consequences of dropping out of school and taking drugs and abandoning your child and you do it anyway I hardly call this abuse.

Yes my daughter blames me for everything when if she had followed my lead she wouldn't have any regrets . As hard as I fought against her decisions she blames me for making the decision s that alternately made that destroyed 15 years of her life.

love number 5 and 7

Yes, all of my children 🙄

Your right you don’t have to play victim and as an adult child you don’t have be around them either…SET BOUNDARIES tell them not to speak to you In a certain way then leave them alone let them know you will not tolerate any of that nonsense they did when u were a kid either

My sister...she's still a 'VICTIM' at 37 yrs old. She's raising two girls...they are giving her everything that she gives/gave my mother. I feel sorry for her.

wow this opened my eyes about me holding against my mother for being the black sheep of her kid's i'm going to call her first time I get a chance ty for having me see the light

my brother..

u r rite

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