9 Reasons Not to Let Your Kids Get on Social Networking Sites ...


9 Reasons Not to Let Your Kids Get on Social Networking Sites ...
9 Reasons Not to Let Your Kids Get on Social Networking Sites ...

Parents letting their kids on social networking sites doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal anymore. In fact, your average kid over the age of 10 probably has a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest account, among others. While there are a few advantages to letting your children have social connections via the web, there are actually more disadvantages when you pause to think about it. Here are 9 reasons not to let your kids on social networking sites for you and your spouse to consider together.

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1. Stalkers and Shady Characters

The number one reason not to let your kids on social networking sites is because of stalkers and shady characters. Besides the option to receive personal messages on nearly every social platform in the cyber world, stalkers may also gain access to personal info if they hack into your child’s Facebook account. Another thing to consider is the GPS tracking that Facebook offers, especially when you “check-in” at certain locations.


Even with strict privacy settings, oversharing can still be an issue. Children might unwittingly post photos or details that could reveal more than intended. Online predators actively look for such information, and even seemingly innocuous posts can lead to unwanted attention. It's crucial to educate children about the dangers of oversharing and to monitor their online friendships regularly. Privacy is hard to reclaim once it's lost, and the digital footprint your child leaves now could have lasting consequences. It's better to be safe and keep their online interactions to a minimum until they're mature enough to understand these risks.

2. Mature Content

There is no doubt that you won’t be able to shelter your child from mature content if you allow him or her on social networking sites. Even if your child doesn’t follow celebrities or bands who post and share mature content, other kids or adults can share things that just aren’t good for little eyes to see. Even the ads on Facebook alone nowadays can be enough to make my jaw drop!


It's crucial to recognize that social networks serve as mirrors of society's broader issues, which often encompass adult themes such as violence, sexual content, and profanity. With algorithms that tailor content to user behavior, it's possible for your child to inadvertently encounter inappropriate material, even with strict privacy settings. Teaching online safety is vital, but accidental exposure can still happen, and the resulting conversations might be ones you're not ready to tackle at your child's current age. 🛑 For their innocence and your peace of mind, steering clear might just be the best bet.

3. Unsavory Influences

When your child is exposed to continuous status updates, photos, and YouTube videos that promote things that go against what you are trying to teach at home, how much influence do you think you will have in your child’s life? Peer pressure is a strong thing, and with social media comes a very large deal of peer pressure, especially for very young children with tender minds who are still trying to find their own way in the world.


The pressure intensifies when these children see 'perfect' lives online, which often don't reflect reality. This can lead to anxieties and insecurities as they begin to compare themselves to these idealized versions of life they see online—and often, they fall short. This unrealistic standard can be very damaging, promoting negative self-image and sending the message that their real life, with its imperfections, is not enough. It's essential for parents to be aware of this dynamic and strive to provide a balanced view of life to their children.

4. Wasted Time

I know how easy it can be for me as an adult to spend more time that I intended on Pinterest or YouTube at any given time! Children have almost no concept of time, and may spend hours browsing and surfing the web. This is something that each parent can view as a problem or something that makes no difference on his or her own. Just be aware of this possibility!

5. Distraction from Important Things

Homework will normally get pushed to the side in favor of scrolling Twitter if a child is given the option. Many kids nowadays even sneak phones into their classrooms and goof around instead of paying attention. Friends and family may also get brushed off at get-togethers and parties if a child is absorbed in answering Facebook messages or pinning to Pinterest.


Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest can be a huge distraction for children, often leading to them neglecting important tasks such as homework, paying attention in class, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Studies have found that the more time children spend on social media, the lower their academic performance, as they are more likely to procrastinate on their homework or studying. They are also more likely to be distracted in class, as they are constantly checking their phones and tablets for notifications.

The distraction of social media can also lead to children missing out on important family and friend time. Instead of engaging in conversation and bonding with family and friends, they are more likely to be found on their phones, scrolling through social media feeds or messaging friends. This can lead to feelings of disconnection and isolation, as well as feelings of jealousy or envy when seeing posts from other people.

In addition, children may be exposed to inappropriate content on social media sites, such as explicit language, images, and videos. This can lead to children developing a distorted view of the world and can cause psychological harm.

6. Law-breaking

Do you know about the COPPA law? The Children’s Online Privacy Protect Act basically protects a kid’s personal info and keeps it off the web. That’s why every site asks you to verify that you are over 18. If you allow your child to have a social networking site when they are underage, that law can no longer protect your child since your child’s personal information has been authorized to float around on unsecured websites.

7. Opportunities to Badmouth Parents

I know many young kids on Twitter and Facebook who post and comment things about their parents. Of course young children will always have reasons to vent, but do you really want your child saying bad things about you and your style of parenting on the web? In the worst cases, Child Protective Services have been involved due to lies and exaggerations by angry children.

8. Easy Target for Bullying

Facebook presents a huge target for bullying. If you don’t want your child exposed to bullies, or watching others be bullied, avoid letting them on social networking sites! Kids can be harsh these days.

9. Reduced Options to Have Hands-on Fun

When I was a kid, we didn’t have all the social sites that are available now! Let your kid be a kid. Childhood is over in the wink of an eye, so encourage your child to enjoy it while it lasts. Facebook will still be there when your child isn’t a child anymore!

I’m sure that each parent does what they feel is best for their child! And if you and your children have come to terms of agreement that allow for your child to use social networking sites, please share your secrets! These are just a few of the worries and concerns that parents can watch for and be aware of if you do decide to allow your children on social networking sites!

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I agree kids shouldn't be on social networks, there's a reason why there's an age limit!

I agree. No one likes being on their social media and you see that this person is always the first to like your post or even just figure out where you live or anything personal. Kids probably could go on social networking but maybe parental controls could be absorbed.

I do aggry it is better for kids to avoid it...but i really think it is not gonna happen,they will still go when parents do not see or with other names

Actually i agree that it is people fault...we create media:) we do this mess and say it is bad

None of this isn't true. I think people should stop blaming social media and start blaming them selfs. If people would just monitor their children and keeping an eye on what they post and who they follow none of this would happen.

But some of children's real life friends can also get their information on social media!

People think this is common knowledge but it isn't. Teachers are constantly promoting usage of digital technology in schools because they are incompetent at teaching and they cover up the fact by saying technology is a human right and nonsense like that. I do admit that technology did help during the time of covid 19, but I ask myself constantly whether it was actually necessary to continue studying at the same pace. Wouldn't it have been better to make children retake their classes after the schools opened? An year or two of delay in their education wouldn't have been that disastrous... Delayed education would be more preferable to inefficient education, especially among children younger than 15. It just showcases the greed and apathy our society shows to distressed people. Nobody cared whether the youth actually learnt anything, as long as the schools and colleges were run and everyone got their paycheck. Children these days can't physically write with a pen/pencil on paper. Relying so much on technology for teaching during covid 19 made teachers so accustomed to the practice that they still insist on doing so after schools reopened. We cannot excuse this. Many teachers today are taking advantage of technology to laze off and aren't doing what they're paid to do. PPTs of almost every topic is found on the internet and teachers just read the slides during class and make students "self study" the rest of the time. It is like going to a tailor to get fitted clothing but being sold cheap readily made clothes for a higher price. People care so much about quality of food, living sustainably and mental health. Why isn't anybody addressing the issue of declining intelligence in our youth? Why aren't we expecting high standards in educators? Why has teaching become the profession of people who failed in their original field? There are of course very competent and extremely reliable teachers, but often they are discouraged due to the fact that their hard work and effort isn't valued and they're paid and treated equally to aforementioned incompetent teachers. Digital technology should be likened to alcohol and not water. Age-restricted, used in moderation and not forced upon someone.

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