7 French Parenting Basics That Will Make Your Life Easier ...


French parenting is the new, hip parenting technique that helps you raise better-behaved children that actually do what they are told to and don’t throw tantrums in public places. It’s tres chic, super popular and much talked about, but before you order a book and vow to raise your kids like a true Frenchwoman, let’s see what French parenting is all about.

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1. A Self-Assured No Will Take You Places

French parenting is not about acting like a drill sergeant but calmly letting the child know who is in charge. Your “No” has to be non-negotiable and you’ve got to believe it, too! No yelling, no freaking out, no lengthy explanations – be kind and composed but remember that you’re in charge.

2. Children Should Be Able to Entertain Themselves

This parenting technique stresses the importance of self play, meaning that you shouldn’t fall over yourself to make sure your kid is getting all the attention, all the time. Your child should be able to play quietly when mommy has things to do and not go postal whenever your attention has to be turned away from him or her.


Encouraging children to engage in solo playtime is not only beneficial for a parent's daily routine but it is also crucial for the child's development. It fosters independence and creativity as they come up with their own games and stories. This doesn't mean neglect; it’s about finding a balance where the child feels confident to explore their imagination. Providing a safe and stimulating environment with age-appropriate toys and books can support this independence. Remember, me-time for kids can be just as refreshing and necessary as it is for adults.

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3. Adult Time is Important Too

Becoming a parent doesn’t mean you stop being everything else and French parents apparently benefit quite a bit by practicing what they preach. Family time is dynamic and enjoyable but they also enjoy adult time and believe that it teaches the children to be respectful family members instead of self-centered despots.


The French parenting style encourages parents to make time for themselves as well as for family time. It is believed that by allowing parents to have their own interests and hobbies, it teaches children to be more respectful and less self-centered. French parents also prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to family time, which helps to create a more meaningful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Additionally, French parents are known to be more relaxed when it comes to discipline and allow children to make mistakes and learn from them. This helps to foster a sense of independence and self-confidence in children.

4. Patience and Order Are a Must

Teaching children that they can’t have everything right away is a pretty big deal. Parents teach their children to wait for their turn, refrain from interrupting conversations, enjoy their sweets in moderation and honor a certain eating schedule. It brings peace to a dining table, makes eating out with kids an actual possibility and, hopefully, prevents kids from turning into real-life versions of Joffrey Baratheon.


By instilling the virtues of patience and order, children learn to navigate social environments with grace and respect. It starts at home with simple expectations like waiting for everyone to be served before eating and extends to broader contexts like waiting in line at the grocery store without fuss. This disciplined approach shapes well-mannered individuals who understand the value of self-control and the importance of respecting others. These lessons in patience may test a parent's limits, but the reward is in raising considerate and grounded individuals, ready for the real world.

5. Independence is a Good Thing

French parents are the decision-makers in the family but that doesn’t mean their children are denied a chance to be independent. Au contraire, loves – children are encouraged to be independent. French moms don’t hover over their children on playgrounds, nor are the children kept in a protective bubble until the age of 18.


French parents strive to instill a sense of independence in their children. This is done in a variety of ways, from encouraging children to make their own decisions and be responsible for them, to allowing them to explore the world around them. French parents also don't always hover over their children when they are playing on playgrounds, allowing them to explore and learn on their own.

In addition to encouraging independence, French parents also emphasize the importance of manners. Children are taught to say please and thank you, and to respect their elders. They are expected to be polite and courteous, and to show respect for their peers.

French parents also strive to teach their children the importance of hard work and responsibility. They are expected to help with household chores, and to take on a certain level of responsibility for their own actions. French parents also encourage their children to participate in extracurricular activities and explore their interests.

Finally, French parents encourage their children to be open to new experiences and to take risks. This can include trying new foods, engaging in activities outside of their comfort zones, and having the courage to pursue their dreams.

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6. No Special Food

No kiddy food here because the children will eat whatever the family is eating. And, being raised to eat my soup, peas and all the gross veggies only a caring mom can make, I don’t find this terribly odd or wrong. It saves time, builds healthy habits and, hey, let’s talk about eating out some more and just try to imagine how much easier life could be if you could actually pick something off the menu and know your kid will eat it.


Indeed, integrating children into the family mealtime without the pressure of preparing separate "children-friendly" meals does wonders. It cultivates an appreciation for a diverse palate and demystifies the dining experience. Picture a world where tantrums over broccoli are replaced with requests for second helpings! By adopting this approach, parents often find that their children become more adventurous eaters, ready to explore the rich tapestry of flavors the world has to offer. Plus, it just makes practical sense—after all, who wants to play short-order cook after a long day?

7. Don’t Overburden Your Kids

The French don’t overburden their kids with extracurricular activities, shuttling them from one practice to another until the poor dear is too tired for anything family-related. They like to spend more time together as a family and consider it a problem if family members can’t find time for each other.

Overly liberal parents might think French parenting is a sort of a boot camp for kids but I’m pretty sure most of you will recognize this concept fairly easily. Don’t you think it’s just good old-fashioned parenting with a new, fancy name? Fancy or not, would you care to try any of these things?

Source: parenting.blogs.nytimes.com, amazon.com, joannagoddard.blogspot.com, hipparis.com

Feedback Junction

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I love this! I've done most of this with my daughter!

None of this attributes to anything different than what a normal, coherent, intelligent parent from any culture would do. People love "coining" terms as to be "in" or trendy. This isn't a French way of rearing children, it's how it's done all over the world. If you needed this article to teach you any one of these seven norms to EVERYDAY PARENTING, you need to rethink your approach and get a clue.

I like to think this is my sort of style parenting ! 4 boys and being a single mom can sometimes feel like bootcamp here but I guess I'm doing something right when folks say how lovely my boys are! they're not rude, they're sociable little beings!

I'm french and there's no "french education type" here. All parents are different, period :) whether they're french, italian, american...wtvr :)

This is my parenting style and I'm not even French lol

love this post. and love this parenting style

I think every parent should already be doing these things. Nowadays the kids run the family too much.

I feel like this is what my parents did with my brother and me. Francophiles in every way, apparently! Nice ideas though.

this is how me and my siblings were raised and how I plan to raise my daughter once she's born :)

we do these things in our family! it's basic common sense parenting and it works!

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