So many families across the U.S. have been spending a huge amount of time together as schools and offices closed. It has been a crash course in getting along for many. Here’s what one mother has to say about her experience with shelter-in-place and her family:
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1. On Children
“My kids are actually great. I’ve been kind of a workaholic lately, and they keep telling me how much they like how much we get to hang out now. I keep telling them the same exact thing. My oldest has taken over 7 Desserts to Eat for Breakfast ... @Heather. She says, ‘Stay out of the kitchen, I’ve got this.’ I guess she watched some YouTube videos or read some blogs. I come downstairs in the morning now and she hands me a coffee and I sit down with the rest of the family and we all spend half an hour to an hour sitting around the table talking and laughing and enjoying ourselves. Even the youngest does what he can to help out around the house. So, in a way, I guess I really won the kid lottery, you know?”
2. On Relaxation
“I’m not going to lie, I love my CBD mints. Those are more to help me keep a calm face in front of my kids after watching the news. I also love my video chat happy hours. I’ll drink a glass of wine with my girlfriends and it helps me feel good. Other than that, I’m a big fan of yoga. After breakfast in the morning I usually work for a few hours and then take a break for yoga. It makes my afternoons way more productive. We also practice a lot of personal space in our home right now. I think the children recognized a need for it before I even did, so they zoned out little spaces and there are a few hours a day where everyone gets the solitude that they need.”
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3. On Takeout Food
“I like to say that I would totally be cooking every night if it weren’t for wanting to support our favorite local restaurants. Seriously, though! So we get takeout probably 80% of our dinners every week. The other nights I make something fun, like pasta or macaroni and cheese. And yes, we have a salad with those meals!”
4. On Toilet Paper
“Who knew that this would be such a learning experience? We were running really low on certain supplies and everywhere we were going was out. So we had to have some, um, frank discussions with the kids about hygiene and things of that nature. But then we made it into an adventure, and one day we got up super-early, waited in line, and scored some TP. I think all of our habits may have changed a little - in a good way.”
5. On Acceptance
“This has been an immense lesson in patience and making do with what I’ve got. For the past few years, I really struggled with accepting where I was in my career, what my financial status was -- all that. Sometimes it felt like the vacation was never exotic enough or my car was never quite top tier enough. I really tried to work on getting better but somehow didn’t seem to be able to. Then the shelter-in-place stuff came around and changed everything. And somehow, instead of being more frustrated, I started accepting things the way that they were. And then I realized what everyone means when they say, ‘Life is about the journey, not the destination.’ I was able to see what the journey was for the first time. I know that sounds super-deep or whatever, but it has been life-changing. I’m also re-thinking my priorities for the first time.”