7 Worst Things to Say to a Stay at Home Mom ...


I have been a stay at home mom on and off for about two years, so believe me when I say I have heard some of the very worst things to say to a stay at home mom. I never really let it bother me, since my job is so rewarding and I get to spend each and every day with my beautiful baby boy, but still, other people can be very catty and sometimes even downright mean. So, here is my list of the things you should avoid saying because they are the worst things to say to a stay at home mom.

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1. What do You do All Day?

Honestly, this is my least favorite question and it's also the one that I hear most often. What do I do all day? You mean other than keep another human being alive, even though he is clearly set on finding ways to end his tiny baby life? Oh nothing. I actually sit on the couch and watch television and eat bonbons. All my stay at home mom friends hate this question just as much as I do. This is always number one on the list of the worst things to say to a stay at home mom.

2. It Must Be so Nice to Sit at Home All Day

You know, you're right. There is nothing more rewarding to me than knowing that I get to be the person that raises my baby boy. But on the other hand, I don't just sit around all day. I spend most of my time during the day trying to clean up after my tornado of a son, mopping up spills, or trying to get the mystery stench out of my garbage can. So yes, it is nice to spend so much time with my little love bug, but it also sometimes makes me want to pull out my own hair.

Frequently asked questions

3. Don't You Ever Miss Having a REAL Job?

I do have a real job. I really have to keep my son alive, I really have to cook and clean and run errands, I really have to write blogs so that other women know that they aren't alone in being driven crazy by random, condescending questions. So, even though I get to stay in sweats some days (mostly because I don't have time to shower), I think my job is plenty real.

4. You Look so Tired

Who me? The woman that hasn't gotten a proper night of sleep in two years? I look tired? How can that possibly be when my son's nap time was spent scrubbing a day's worth of mess off of the ceiling in my kitchen? I'm so well rested and glamorous, I just thought the grunge look was back. It's not? Well, I don't have time to go change my clothes.

5. I Don't See Why You Can't Make (Insert Commitment); You're Home All Day

Listen, I'm sorry I can't drive my fourth cousin twice removed to the airport at 5:52 a.m. on a Tuesday. Although I am home all day, I also have a schedule and a toddler that will throw the perfect storm of fits if his eyes are forced open anytime before 7:35 a.m. And I have deadlines. So although you can almost always find me at home, that does not mean that I have endless time to play chauffeur or personal shopper.

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6. Do You Even Remember What It's like to Be Busy?

No. I have no recollection of being busy. Mostly because I'm too busy to think about how busy I used to think I was. You think working and going to school is hard now? Try holding a toddler while talking on the phone while packing to take said toddler to the doctor's office while feeding a dog and reminding yourself that you really should pick up more pages for your day planner.

7. Every Day is Friday for You

The only way that every day is Friday for a stay at home mom is that the perpetual Friday never ends and you never get to go home and enjoy a weekend after 5 p.m. There is no clocking out of parenthood. Stay at home moms are literally on the job 24/7. We wake up at midnight and 2 for feedings, we kiss boo boos and scare monsters out of closets. So no, every day is not Friday or the weekend. Everyday is Monday, Groundhog Day, and Monday.

Well ladies, these are the things that I think are the worst things you can say to a stay at home mom, what are your least favorite comments and questions? Let me know down below!

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There are some stay at home who actually do hous chores and there are some female who don't do anything at all except watching tv, visiting single friends to show off how happy her life is and telephoning most of the time. When the husband came home, nothing is done. She even have a housemaid.

Yaaassss 🙌 this blog is so true .

This is so true... It's all me.. And I am very proud of myself.

I'm not a mother but I can understand how anoying these questions would be! I do stay at home quite a bit and my boyfriend thinks I do nothing all day...yet I clean and cook for him and out his priorities first, it feels like he is my child and not my boyfriend.

I agree these a things are so harsh it's not even funny. It would definitely hurt a mother that's home. And it's not like she doesn't do anything. She looks after the house, the kids, etc. Just because she doesn't have a job doesn't mean she's completely free or doesn't do anything

I stay home with 4 kids. My husband makes the $$, and I do EVERYTHING ELSE. It's not a brainless job! I'm really proud that I can do it without any help. But yeah, there are no weekends, days off, holidays or vacations. Those occasions are where my triple time kicks in! Good thing I work well under stress!

I spent a few years as a single mom and I found that there was no right answer. If I worked I was a horrible mother having someone else raise my kid...if I stayed home I was a lazy welfare bum...which leaves what exactly???

I'm sure some people are very condescending but most people probably make these comments and don't realize how it sounds. I don't think any person who has children would say it is an easy job. The post does seem rather bitter.

I'm studying Children's Services atm and have noticed that there are a few mums studying at the same time - being a mum is a full time job and all, but studying at the sam time?! I admire them for doing what they're doing, I can't imagine how draining it must be 😥

Saying it's an easy job is an easy thing to say. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 little ones and yes its awesome staying home with your children but easy it's not! Your looking and caring after little human beings. It's like asking if parenting is easy. No its not! It shouldn't be. To me that means your doing a great job and not letting things go by without as second glance. Stay at moms rock, yes, but it's never easy or fun all the time. I've never known onestay at home mom that said raising children was fun and problem free. I agree with Nat.

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