7 Tips for Flying with Babies ...

Jordin Apr 27, 2014

Flying with babies is something that many parents dread, but there are a few things you can do to make your trip go a bit smoother than you may imagine. I just recently flew with my 6-month-old daughter, and things went so much better than I imagined! Below are a few tips for flying with babies that I found to be helpful. It’s all about preparation, but keep in mind that not everything is foreseeable, so this is just a general list to help you better plan and prepare.

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1. Use a Baby Carrier or Stroller

Flying with babies when you are the only adult going along is a bit hectic! With only two arms, you need all the help you can get. I used my baby carrier, and it made things very easy for me! Both of my arms were free, and I knew where my baby was at all times. If you have an older toddler, or more than one kiddo along for the ride, you can bring along your stroller and gate check it! Choose a compact, lightweight stroller that you can easily break down and maneuver on your own.

2. Give Baby Something to Suck on during Take-off and Landing

The change in pressure during takeoff and landing can cause baby’s ears to pop, and increase fussiness. You can help avoid this issue by giving your baby a pacifier, a bottle, or breastfeeding your little one on the flight. You may want to ask about policies for breastfeeding on the airline, I found that the airline I flew with was very supportive and gave me no hassle at all.

3. Plan Flights around Baby’s Nap Schedule

If possible, choose a flight time that corresponds with your baby’s naptime! He or she may snooze through the whole flight, or a better part of it. That may make things easier for you to deal with on the flight, and make for a cheerful baby in between on layovers, rather than a cranky, irritable one.

4. Plan for Everything

One thing about flying is that you can’t foresee everything. You may have a delayed flight, lost luggage, or a host of other situations present themselves. In your carryon, bring everything you will need for baby, plus extra. Bring plenty of diapers, wipes, snacks, drinks, extra clothes, pacifiers, toys, blankets, bibs, baby Tylenol, formula if you bottle-feed, and anything else you might need. I include emergency kits with things like safety pins, hairspray, toothbrush, Band-Aids and other small items that may come in handy.

5. Arrive at the Airport Early

When possible, arrive at the airport with enough time to check in, get through security, and then deal with any small crisis that may occur. When traveling with babies, you never know when a diaper leak, a snack attack, or a lost teddy bear can bring everything to a halt. On a side note, be aware of what the airport allows you to pack. Many airlines allow a food bag for babies, so you have snacks and drinks on hand right away.

6. Bring Entertainment

Babies and toddlers can get bored quickly. On a plane, there isn’t a lot you can do to switch up surroundings so make sure you bring lots of toys. Maybe buying a few new ones for the occasion would be a good idea. Hand them out slowly instead of all at once, so that your baby has something new to see every so often.

7. Don’t Be Shy about Asking for Assistance

Airline attendants are there to help you, so don’t feel bad asking for assistance! If you need to use the restroom, they can hold your little one. A flight attendant can also bring you water, snacks, or reach into the overhead bin and grab a diaper out.

Flying with a baby can be tough, but it can also go very smoothly! Try to keep your cool in the face of disaster and remember than most people on the plane will be understanding, generally speaking. Have you ever flown with a baby before? Please share your tips below, and thanks for reading!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm going to be a big sister in October, and then we are flying down to Texas for Christmas. So this helps a lot!!! Thanks!

Another helpful tip that works every time: take some hand warmers with you onto the flight and when the baby starts to cry (because of the pressure on their ears) put the hand warmers on both ears. Just make sure they aren't too hot but still warm. My doc recommend it to me and my family and I've brought extra to every flight in case there's a baby on board and it always saves the day. Instant quiet and calm baby! Haha

@Ashley smart girl

I just scheduled a trip last night and have been experiencing lots of anxiety thinking about traveling with my LO. These tips were super helpful. Thanks for sharing!

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