7 Subtle Ways to Say No when Your Child Wants a Pet ...


It's hard to say no when your child wants a pet, and they keep begging you to let them have a puppy or kitten. But pets are a huge responsibility, and you shouldn't let your kids have one just because they keep pestering you. If you don't have the time, money or inclination to deal with a pet, you should say no. Here's how to respond when your child wants a pet and you don't …

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1. Offer an Alternative

One way of responding when your child wants a pet and you don't, is to offer them an alternative treat as a distraction. It won't work if you offer them a choice, as they might opt for the pet. But if you say they can have a gift or trip out instead of having a pet, they might enjoy the alternative so much that they forget about the pet. Just be careful that it's not a bribe, though.


When it comes to parenting, saying no to your children is not always easy. When your child wants a pet, it can be especially hard to turn them down. Pets can be expensive, time-consuming, and require a lot of care and attention. If you don’t want to get a pet for your child, there are some subtle ways to say no.

One way to respond to your child’s request for a pet is to offer an alternative treat. This could be a gift or a trip out, but it’s important to make sure that it’s not a bribe. If you give them a choice between the pet and the alternative, they might still opt for the pet. But if you offer them the alternative as a distraction, they might enjoy it so much that they forget about the pet.

2. Borrow or Foster

Children (and some adults) tend to have a rather rose-tinted view of a pet being all fun and no hassle, if they haven't dealt with the realities of pet ownership before. You may be able to cure them of their puppy obsession by borrowing a pet from someone else; after dealing with the mess and effort, they might quickly lose interest. You could also foster as a way of showing them the commitment involved.

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It's tough! Try explaining why a pet isn’t possible right now. You could say something like, 'Pets need a lot of care and time, which we don’t have at the moment.' It's important to be honest and kind.

You could consider a low-maintenance pet like a fish or maybe a virtual pet game. Volunteering at an animal shelter might be a good way for your child to spend time with animals without the full responsibility.

You can discuss the specific responsibilities and costs associated with that pet. Sometimes, giving them a detailed explanation helps them understand why it might not be feasible right now.

It's tricky but doable. Focus on empathy and understanding. Let them know you care about their feelings but also explain your reasons clearly. You can also find other enjoyable activities to distract and engage them.

Be straightforward about the practicality and legality of such a pet. Explain that certain animals require special care that you might not be able to provide and are often not suitable as pets.

3. Volunteer

If your kids are old enough, send them along to the local animal shelter as a volunteer. Tell them that you'll discuss the issue again after 1 or 2 months of commitment from them. A few weeks of cleaning out pens and walking dogs in all weathers should make them realise that pet ownership isn't all fun and play.

4. Toy Version

Younger children may be distracted by offering them a toy alternative such as a stuffed toy or a robotic dog. This will give them the fun of having a 'pet' without giving you the responsibilities.

5. Talk about the Implications

Children may insist that they understand all the implications of owning a pet, but they almost certainly don't. Sit down with them and draw up a list of all the responsibilities and costs involved. List everything from food and toys to pet insurance. If they're older, talk about what would happen when they go to college - they won't be able to take the pet with them, and will probably be more interested in their social life anyway.


As a parent, it is important to consider the implications of getting a pet for your child. Pets require a lot of responsibility and can be expensive to maintain. Depending on the type of pet, there may be additional costs associated with veterinary care, food, toys, and other supplies. For those who live in an apartment or rental property, there may be restrictions on the types of pets allowed.

When children are younger, they may not understand the long-term commitment of owning a pet. It is important to explain that pets require daily care and attention, and can live for many years. It is also important to discuss the financial costs associated with owning a pet, which can include food, toys, and vet visits.

When children are older, it is important to discuss what would happen if they go away to college. They likely won't be able to take the pet with them, so it is important to make plans for the pet's long-term care. It is also important to discuss how the pet's care may be impacted by the child's social life and other commitments.

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6. Practical Issues

Also talk about the practical issues. If both parents work full time, it is irresponsible to leave a dog at home on its own all day. Animals need to be cleaned, fed, walked, groomed and have company.


It is important to consider the practical issues when deciding whether or not to get a pet for your child. Pets require a significant commitment of time and energy, and it is important to think about the long-term implications of this commitment.

If both parents work full time, it is not responsible to leave a pet at home all day. Animals need to be taken care of, and that includes regular feedings, daily walks, and regular grooming. Pets also need companionship, and leaving them alone for long periods of time could lead to behavioral issues.

It is also important to consider the financial implications of getting a pet. Pets require regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations, and they may need additional medical care if they become ill or injured. Additionally, pet owners will need to buy food, toys, and other supplies for their pet.

Finally, it is important to think about the space requirements of a pet. Some pets, such as cats and small dogs, do not require much space. However, larger animals, such as dogs or horses, will need more space to run and play. Additionally, some pets, such as reptiles, may require specialized housing.

7. Just Say No

You're the parent, and your kids have to learn that they can't have everything they want. They may sulk, and think you're unfair, but when they're grown up and living in their own place they can do what they want. Until then, you are in charge.

Pets can be wonderful, but kids often lose interest once they realize how much work is involved. So if you are against having a pet, or a particular animal, stick to your decision. Don't cave in if you're really not keen on the idea of having a pet. You'll be the one who ends up looking after the animal, and resenting it. Try to find some other way in which your kids can have contact with animals. Were you allowed pets as a child?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i always had a dog they're the best thing a child could had.

Yes! I grew up with a dog and it was the best thing ever.

Ooo it's so cute!!!!!!!

I was hoping to find an answer to this little dilemma of mine, then stumbled across the comment section and here I am again, totally lost LOL

Could always say someone is allergic. I say foster then adopt an older dog.

We were a military family and we moved all over the world with our pets. While I'm sure that my mom did a majority of the grunt work, the love and companionship that they offered our family was worth it. We even hand carried my guinea pig back to the states from Germany at the end of one assignment. I was the happiest (and most popular) little girl in the airport!

Or tell them maybe they can have a pet when they are old enough to take care of most of the responsibility of having a pet

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