5 Simple Habits to Adopt if You're a Busy Family ...

By Bambi

5 Simple Habits to Adopt if You're a Busy  Family  ...

Life is busy. Life is chaotic. Life is a whirlwind. That's why you need some simple habits for busy families. The days of rolling solo and doing what you want are over because you have a number of things and people to make a priority. No one said it was going to be easy, but the flip side is that you’ve got a fabulous family to show for it! That being said, you’re not the first person to go through the day to day jungle of work and family life and you’re not going to be the last, so I say just embrace and manage as best you can and get some simple habits for busy families in place to help you along the way.

I’m not gonna lie: sometimes I drop the ball. Where? Well, those places are too many to list right here, but I will admit that I have be known to fall asleep and wake up the following morning in the same clothes I wore the day before. I completely and totally succumb to my exhaustion and it is slightly embarrassing to schlep to the bathroom at 6am in my skinny jeans and hear my 8-year-old proclaim that “Mommy still has on the same clothes!”

And even worse, I don’t have a legit reason. I’m not hungover because I was at the bar. I wasn’t on a “girls night out.” I wasn’t even up late working. Nope. I was just spent. I couldn’t take it anymore and my body stopped me from going even another minute. On the other hand, I do usually get a shower at some point and clean up a little something too, so at least I’m ahead there.

And, thanks to my 5 habits, more productivity is never too far out of reach. Give the video below a watch and I’ll explain how I keep managing to stay sane and keep the chaos in check… even my daily attire doubles as PJ’s more often than I’d prefer.

Bambi Frazier is a mom to three vibrant girls living in Washington, DC. She is the author of the “Better Bites” cookbook series available on Amazon and shares recipes, lifestyle tips, vlog and blogs on her website creativelybambi.com

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