10 Newborn Essentials ...


10 Newborn Essentials ...
10 Newborn Essentials ...

Newborns need lots and lots of things! You'd be amazed at how much extra you pack when you have an infant. However, on the flip side of it, many modern moms tend to be pulled into the hype about the newest gizmo or gadget to keep their baby entertained. I'm a firm believer in the tried and true. That being said, here re 10 newborn essentials, from my experience.

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1. Baby Carrier

Babies love to be held and mommas love to have their hands free when they have housework to do. The good compromise is a baby carrier or sling. They're perfect for hauling your baby around without the need for your hands, so you can get things done! I especially love my sling when it comes time to go to the store. I hated carrying the car seat in and having to worry about seeing over it in the buggy and with a 3 year old, it's going to make going to the grocery store much easier when this baby comes! This is one gizmo you need to invest in!

2. Gerber Cloth Diapers

Not for diapering, mind you! These things make for the perfect burp cloths! They're thicker in the middle so they catch more and fold up neatly in your diaper bag. I thought I was the only one that done this, and was reading online and found other moms who do as well. One lady actually brought up how they do recycle as cleaning rags after baby has grown. You get a huge pack for a great price, so I highly recommend these over the average burp cloth.

3. Boppy

Even if you're not breastfeeding, (but especially if you are) the Boppy pillow will quickly become your best friend! Not only does it offer support for your tired arms while you're holding baby to feed them, it doubles over for a great pillow to nestle baby in while they are on the floor playing and sits behind them as they're learning to sit up. One mom even told how she used it as a travel pillow, since it offered great neck support!

4. Bouncer

This is the one gadget I let myself get and I loved it as did my son! The one I had came with a vibrating motion that would put him to sleep every time. As he got older, he learned that a simple kick of his feet would make him bounce while in it, which delighted him. It was one of the best investments I made!

5. Swing

Personally, I never used a swing. Logan simply didn't like it. However, I've known many mothers who swear by it's power to calm a fussy baby. You don't have to get all fancy in your choice - all swings to the exact same thing. Just be sure that it is one that will last a good while as they grow.

6. Car Seat

Yes, you have to have a car seat! It's the law, and furthermore, they're so great to have around! When you're out visiting grandma, they're perfect to set up and turn into a makeshift highchair. They're also great to let baby sleep in when you're out, unless you're one of the unlucky moms who has a baby that hates the car seat. It's also best to get one that goes with point # 7...

7. Stroller

I love my stroller! I love walking, and taking baby along with me in his stroller makes it all the better. Plus, I get a bonus workout since I'm pushing the extra weight around. I like a compact stroller, but one that allows me room to store my purse and diaper bag, plus something to drink. There's some pretty cool models out there, so have fun picking out the one that's right for you!

8. Clothes

Of course, you need clothes. You need onsies, jammies and cute outfits. Just remember that there is no sense in going overboard with the clothes. Too many times, first time mothers fall into excitement of baby coming and finding out the sex and next thing you know, there are clothes running out their ears! Go ahead and indulge in a couple outfits, but try to wait until after your shower (or showers) and see what all you get from that before buying too much. That way, you won't end up with more clothes than baby can wear before baby outgrows them.

9. Lavender Body Wash & Lotion

This stuff is heaven sent! It smells so wonderful and sweet, and truly does work in calming your baby for a better night's sleep. On the nights you don't bath, use that lotion for a calming massage on baby's back and legs right before her night feeding and she'll be sleeping like an angel in no time!

10. Baby Monitor

This is another great gadget to get for baby's arrival. I especially love the video ones, since you can actually see your baby sleeping all the time, but even just the average baby monitor is a help. It helps to calm your worries and get housework done, or even enjoy an evening out on the patio with hubby, all the while being able to listen in on or see your baby sleeping in their bed. At the first whimper, you can be in their bedroom in seconds to find out what's wrong. Can't beat that!

Babies need accessories, so be prepared with this list of 10 newborn essentials to get you started! If you have an item you'd like to add to the essential list, please do so! I welcome the comments!

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