20 Mother and Daughter Date Ideas That Will Bring You Closer ...


20 Mother and Daughter Date Ideas That Will Bring You Closer ...
20 Mother and Daughter Date Ideas That Will Bring You Closer ...

Being a mother is truly an amazing thing, and I feel that it is very important to cherish every moment with our children, so I made a quick list of mother and daughter date ideas that will bring you closer to your mini-me. Mothers and daughters have a special bond that must be kept through all stages of our lives while we as mothers and daughters are evolving, changing and growing. These mother and daughter date ideas are sure to please moms and their gals at most any age.

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1. Get Pampered Together

Girls of all ages enjoy and deserve to be pampered. So why not get pampered together? Go by your favorite nail salon or spa for a day or primping and girl time. Enjoy some girl talk while you have your nails done. Maybe even go a little bit extra and add a few more services to your tab like a haircut or makeup. Getting all cutesy together is so much fun! The younger ones will feel extra special to get some beautifying just like Mommy does. As a cosmetologist this has to be my favorite mother and daughter date ideas.

2. Have a Tea Party

Here’s the chance to finally use that fine china that was gifted to you at your wedding. I know I’m not the only one that doesn’t use that stuff every day. Well dust off the tea cups and saucers for some good old fashioned tea and fancy finger foods. This date idea is probably best for the younger ones. So have your little miss put on her prettiest, most «favoritest» dress and invite her best stuffed animal friends for a bona fide tea party. Would you like one lump of sugar or two Madame?

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3. Movie’s at Home

For a free and easy date idea just hop into your most comfy pair of pajamas, pop some buttery popcorn and enjoy some of your favorite chick flicks together. My mother and I are huge fans of Julia Roberts, so anything that she’s in is definitely in rotation for us! Enjoy some bonding time right in the comfort of your own home.

4. Learn Something New

Always wanted to learn how to sew? Well this is a great way for you both to learn together! Don’t stop with sewing, find classes for cooking, photography, floral design or creative writing. You will be surprised what type of new things that the two of you can learn together. This allows your daughter to see that learning never stops no matter your age. What a great influence to have on our daughters, that as mothers we continue to grow and learn.

5. Shoe Shopping!

This date idea is one that I personally enjoy. A day packed full of girl time and shoes! Boots, stilettos and wedges Oh My! What else is there to be said?! Right, not a thing. Bring home a couple pair of new kicks for the both of you and everyone is all smiles.

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6. Coffee Shop

Take a trip to your favorite coffee house to enjoy a hot cup of something and some mother and daughter convo. This is fun with my 4 year old, she has the most interesting conversations. She has a frothy hot chocolate while I enjoy a mocha anything and we just chit chat about 4 year old stuff! I truly cherish these conversations with my little princess!

7. Gift Shopping

Hit up the local dollar store or the dollar spot at Target for inexpensive gifts to give out to their grandparents, friends and/or siblings. Any type of shopping is good with us girls even if it’s just the dollar store.

8. Bounce…Rooooock, Skate….Roooooll, Bounce

Go to your local skating rink for some roller skating fun. Let your little lady know how fun you can be. Falls and all roller skating is a super fun date for moms and daughters! You’re singing that song now aren’t ya?!

9. Chick Flick at the Movies

If there is a new flick hitting theatres that you both can enjoy then a movie date is a fun way to spend time together. Splurge a little and have that buttery popcorn and those sugar babies. Psst…sneak in my own snacks….shhhh, just kiddiiing. But a movie, snacks and your favorite girl equals F.U.N.

10. Go to a Show

Experiencing fine arts live and in the moment is a truly amazing. Whether it’s a ballet, a play or a symphony. Find what interest you both and enjoy the talents of these exceptional artist. It’s an experience that she is sure to remember.

11. Build-a-Bear

This is next item on the date list for me and my little one. I honestly think I’m more excited about it than she is. Build a bear together and take it home as a souvenir to remind you of how much fun the two of you had on your date. The American Girl Doll store is also a good date idea.

12. Bake Together

Spending time together in the kitchen is great for bonding as well as teaching. If your daughter is younger, then sticking to a simple recipe may be best; like cookies or cupcakes. For the more experienced, maybe try a more intricate recipe like cheesecake brownies, or a tiered cake. Being in the kitchen with you is the best way to teach her the basics of cooking and the reward is a yummy treat!

13. Fancy Dinner

Make reservations at a fancy restaurant for the two of you, and get all snazzy in your best dresses for some sophisticated dining. As a southern belle myself, I learned the importance of proper dining etiquette through debutante balls. Introduce your young lady to table manners and dinner etiquette while you dine. These are lessons she’ll pass on to her daughter one day.

14. Make Crafts

Check for workshops at your local craft store for some creative, crafting fun. Or pick up some interesting things to make your own crafts at home. The possibilities are endless, candles, ornaments, a wreath, jewelry, greeting cards, or friendship bracelets. Have fun making something special for each other.

15. Park Lunch

Pack your picnic basket with some lunch, grab a blanket and cop a squat in the park. If your daughter is younger a visit to the playground is a definite. Don’t be afraid to join her on the monkey bars and swings, show her the kid in you.

16. Slumber Party

A good ole slumber party with the works is a great last minute date night for mothers and daughters. Put on your matching pajamas, watch some classic chick flicks with popcorn and ice cream, polish each other’s nails, play board games and stay up late. Even sleep in her room to make it an official slumber party.

17. Be Artistic

Take an oil painting class or a pottery class. If you’re not into that then maybe a dance class is more your speed. Or maybe a session at a local recording studio is more suitable. Being artsy and expressive together brings you together and it’s just plain FUN!

18. Bookstore

Peruse the aisles for some new reads. Take moment to read a few of the finds to your little one, even buy a couple to take home with you. With the older ones, talking over a small snack and catching up on celebrity gossip in the magazines is fun too.

19. Get Active

Model a healthy lifestyle and make a date to go for a hike. Sign up to do a run together, you might even find a run that is suitable for younger ones also. Other ways to have an active mother and daughter date are, a yoga class, a group exercise class, or boxing just to name a few. Just get up and get your bodies moving together and it’s a date!

20. Photo Shoot

Pose for the camera, flick…flick! Hire a professional photographer to snap some shots of the just the two of you. Incorporate some props and costumes for even more picture taking fun! Now you have had a fun date and pictures to remember it all. Smile!

Which of these date ideas are you looking forward to trying with your special girl? Do you have any special moments that you and your daughter share together regularly?

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that is so sweet!

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