Chapter books are a great thing to tackle with your children over summer. When the temperatures heat up, you can enjoy the air conditioning while sharing a good book with your children. Even if your children don’t enjoy reading independently, they may still love to have you read chapter books to them. This is a great way to make special memories, too.
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1. Junie B. Jones
“Junie B. Jones” is a chapter books series almost every child loves. It is about a little girl in the first grade who gets into all kinds of adventures and misadventures. She tries to do good but somehow trouble seems to follow her. The humor in the stories about Junie B. is entertaining for both adults and children. You will soon find your children hooked on stories about "Junie B. Jones."
2. Little House on the Prairie
Is any childhood complete without stories from this series of books? These were some of the first books I ever read so naturally, they hold a special place in my heart. The wonderful thing is that young girls and boys still love these stories. They are timeless. It is true that this series may be more popular with the girls, but “Farmer Boy” is all about the youth of Laura’s husband and is sure to interest the boys.
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3. Charlotte’s Web
“Charlotte’s Web” is a classic that has been loved by children for years. It is the story of a pig named Wilbur and his special friendship with a spider named Charlotte. Wilbur realizes his life has a predetermined end and is very distraught. Charlotte comes to his aid by spinning a web that has a special message inside of it. There are a lot of life lessons to be learned from this book.
4. Stuart Little
“Stuart Little” is a special book about a mouse who has a human family. As you can imagine, this creates no small amount of obstacles to overcome. Stuart seems to draw adventure to him wherever he goes. He encounters his biggest adventure ever when he sets out to find his best friend, who just happens to be a bird. “Stuart Little” is written by the same author that wrote “Charlotte’s Web.”
5. Beezus and Ramona
“Beezus and Ramona” is an adorable story of two sisters. Ramona is the four year old younger sister to Beezus who always seems to be making trouble. Beezus tries very hard to be a good big sister but it is very difficult with a younger sister like Ramona. This is a good book for siblings who may have similar struggles. There are also many other Ramona books for those who fall in love with this story.
6. Anne of Green Gables
You will simply fall in love with Anne with an “e.” Anne is a delightful character who is an orphan. She finds herself a home with an older pair of siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. She desires to not be any trouble but seems to find herself in mess after mess. Your children will love all of Anne’s dramatic stories. This book and following series is geared more toward readers ages 10 and up.
7. The Borrowers
This book was first published in 1952 but is still just as popular with young audiences now as it was years ago. “The Borrowers” is a book about the Clock family, which is made up of very tiny people. They borrow from the home that they live in to furnish their own tiny, hidden home. Common everyday things that humans use are repurposed for something entirely different for the Clock family. This is an enchanting tale your children are sure to love.
These are some chapter books that are wonderful summertime reads. What books have you enjoyed with your children? Please share with us.
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