8 Fun Websites for Kids ...

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8 Fun Websites for Kids ...

With today’s technology, parents are teaching their children to learn to use computers at young ages, and are constantly finding fun websites for kids.

Although many parents are concerned about safety of their children while online, there is no denying that computers and phones have become a large part of our and our children's lives. And when used properly, there are so many skills that kids can learn from websites that are made just for them!

By mixing learning with fun websites for kids, children get to surf the web and learn a lot at the same time! It is preferred to start learning new concepts at a young age, and learning to use a computer and a wide range of topics on the internet will be a great help to your growing child!

1 Club Penguin

I know that clubpenguin.com is one of the most fun websites for kids because I used to to go on the website all of the time when I was little! I was around 9 years old when I played on it, but I remember how much fun I had there! When you first enter the world of Club Penguin you have an avatar and a username that lives in the large community of penguins! As a parent, you might be wondering what the educational value of being a penguin is. Well there isn’t much knowledge gained by waddling around as a penguin but the mini-games inside the world can teach a lot! Club Penguin also encourages the users to donate their virtual coins that they earned from games to real charities. In addition to being a fun, safe environment for children, they can learn new skills, learn good citizenship, and learn to behave in a community!

2 Poptropica

Poptropica.com was all the rage when I was younger and it still is today. This fun website allows players to create a character of their own and travel to different "islands" to complete quests. Quests involve players solving problems that pertain to the island they are on. Quests can be completed by solving puzzles or learning how to defeat the person that is causing the mayhem. However, there is never any violence or death, making it very child appropriate! Members can also play games and chat with other members by choosing pre-written phrases, which makes the website ultra-safe. It’s also free to join! Free sounds good, right?

3 Webkinz

Webkinz.com is a site that kids can go to after they buy a plush stuffed animal from a store and use the code to virtually transfer their new "pet" online. Once online, kids can take care of their animal in the home they can design and decorate their pets with clothes and accessories they can buy with their KinzCash. This is such a fun website for kids and it also has educational value! By earning virtual money to buy clothes, furniture, and food, kids learn the importance of money management. They learn to spend their money in the most efficient ways and learn to take care of a pet. Even if it is a virtual one!

4 Stardoll

Stardoll.com is definitely for a girl who is a fashionista at heart! Stardoll is based around designing clothes, shoes, and accessories for a doll that kids can make look like anyone they want! Designs that kids create can be sold between members with virtual money and kids can also join fan clubs and gain new interests. Although it is easy to use, the site is directed at young teenagers. There are different views on the fan clubs and different pages that kids can join, so a careful eye should be given if your kids join. However, if your kids only use the site for dressing up dolls then it can be loads of fun!

5 Nick

Nick.com is a website connected to the TV channel Nickelodeon that offers games, videos, and full episodes for kids. I used to be obsessed with the Nick channel when I was younger, so when I found out about the website, I became obsessed with that too! Games include characters from the TV shows that air on the channel and allow children to complete quests, puzzles, or races! Kids love becoming the characters they look up to on the screen and they also get to learn new skills from the educational games featured on the website!

6 PBS Kids

PBSkids.com is a perfect site for your new preschooler! It is so easy to navigate and there are so many kid-friendly videos and games featured. This website is also an extension of the TV channel PBS and allows kids around 4 years old to explore a safe website and experience the benefits of computer use! This website is seriously so cute that you’ll even have fun playing games with your little one!

7 Funbrain

Funbrain.com is another great website for kids because it is a companion site of Poptropica.com. This kid’s website features arcade style games that focus on reading, math, and other topics that are beneficial to kids around the age of 7. It's a great site for learning and strengthening school skills for kids!

8 Neopets

Neopets.com is an extremely popular website for kids that resembles Webkinz.com. Kids can adopt a virtual animal and collect Neopoints to take care of them. The site is based around magic and creativity, so pets can have a wide range of abilities and kids can buy things such as magic potions! One unique aspect about this website is that kids can actually sell virtual stocks! I don’t know about you, but when I was 8, I had no idea what a stock was! So this is definitely a great site to look into for your kids!

Finding fun websites for kids while ensuring safety can be a bit tricky, but there are many websites that are perfect for kids that go to great lengths to ensure safety. Websites meant for kids almost always have important educational value for children and also allow kids to see that learning is fun! Do you know of any other fun websites for kids? Let me know!

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