7 Fun Things to do for Baby's First Christmas ...

By Jordin

7 Fun Things to do for Baby's First Christmas ...

If this year is your baby’s first Christmas, then you may be looking for some fun ideas of things you can do to make your baby’s Christmas rock! I love watching babies and little tykes at Christmas time, their eyes just light up anytime they see Christmas decorations. You can make your baby’s first Christmas a lot of fun with my tips below. Making Christmas special for your little one will be just as much fun for you as it will be for her! Read on for some stellar ideas.

1 Christmas PJs

Christmas PJsFor baby’s first Christmas and every Christmas after that, start the tradition of new Christmas PJs! Not only are Christmas PJs adorable, but they will make Christmas morning pictures super cute to look back on. And who can resist a pair of fuzzy footie pajamas covered in penguins wearing Christmas holly?

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2 Make an Ornament

Everyone needs an ornament with their baby’s handprint and/or footprint on the Christmas tree! If you choose to carry out this tradition each year, you can change it up by letting your kiddo decorate an ornament one year, or pick out an ornament that represents them or something in their life (i.e. soccer, ballet, Elmo, etc.). Everyone needs an ornament that says “baby’s first Christmas,” so don’t skip this lovely idea!

3 Pictures with Santa

Taking pictures with Santa is something that not every kid loves to do, especially babies! But what can be more hilarious to look back on than a mall Santa in a fake beard, awkwardly holding your little lady while she looks around in wide-eyed wonder? Those pictures of fussy kiddos on Santa’s lap will make your Christmas cards priceless, no doubt!

4 Special Stocking

A fun tradition to start with your baby is to have a special stocking made just for him! If you know how to knit or crotchet, you can make it yourself. Another way to make a special stocking is by using an old stocking you already have, but personalize it using beads, gems, felt, trim, paint, or other craft supplies. You can get really creative here so don’t be shy!

5 Put up Tons of Lights

Babies love Christmas lights! Put up as many as you can, in all different colors and sizes. For baby’s first Christmas, go crazy with the lights! Put them anywhere you think of. It will give your baby something pretty to look at, and it will make her Christmas pictures turn out so cute!

6 Make Gift Opening Lots of Fun

Start a tradition at baby’s first Christmas that you can carry out every year. Let your baby open one present at a time, and take turns opening gifts one at a time in your family so that Christmas morning lasts a little longer! When babies are little, they don’t understand the concept of opening a gift so just do it for tradition's sake and pictures.

7 Let Your Baby Have Fun

Baby’s first Christmas only happens once, so let your baby have fun! Let him play with the boxes and bows, take lots of pictures and videos, and let him have a taste of gingerbread. Enjoy Christmas with your baby, and make it an exciting affair!

Your baby will only have one first Christmas, so it’s up to you to make it special and memorable! Your baby may not be able to physically remember it, but pictures will preserve her memory so she can look back on her very first Christmas. Start traditions when your children are babies and carry them out every year. Kids love tradition at Christmas time, it’s all part of the fun! What do you plan to do for your baby’s first Christmas?

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