7 Fun Family Winter Activities to do Together ...

By Diana

7 Fun Family Winter Activities to do Together ...

Don’t stay in the house when it’s cold, get out and enjoy family winter activities together! Whether you just go for a walk in the park to take in the snowy winter scene or visit Santa at the Mall, there are plenty of things you can do that everyone in the family can appreciate. What family winter activities do you have planned for this season - any of these I wonder?

1 Holiday Lights

One of my favorite family winter activities that we like to do each year is drive around town to enjoy the holiday lights. There is also a local farm that has a magnificent light display drive-thru so you can stay in your warm car while enjoying the lights! Bring a thermos of hot chocolate and a container of Christmas cookies to really get in the holiday spirit during your drive! Oh, and just because the holiday season is over doesn’t mean the lights are down, some people keep their lights up all through January!

Frequently asked questions

2 Ice Skating

My girls love ice skating and we can go to an indoor rink any time of the year. However, I feel that it just gets you in the wintertime mood when you go to an outdoor skating rink. Especially if you go to one that has a great outdoor scene. There is one in Philadelphia that is right off of the Delaware River looking over to New Jersey and to my mind, you can’t get a better view than that!

3 Winter Sports

There are tons of winter sports you can enjoy together as a family and not just by watching them on the television! Get out on the ice and play hockey, go to the mountains to ski, or try snowboarding for the first time! Most places have great guides for kids and adults to teach you at any level how to ski or snowboard. What are some winter sports your family loves to participate in?

4 Play in the Snow

Has a big blizzard hit your town yet? Why not get out in the snow with the kids and build a snowman, make snow angels, or build an igloo? Or get really creative and make colorful snow cones with real snow...just make sure you use clean, fresh snow! If you have little ones who haven’t experienced the snow yet, this is a great activity to enjoy with them this winter.

5 Volunteer

There are many families that don’t have heavy coats or warm sweaters to keep them warm during the winter season. This year, do something that will stay in the hearts of your children forever by donating old coats, helping out at a soup kitchen, and volunteering to help the homeless find a warm shelter. We can do so much to benefit others that have so little - this is the time of year they need us the most.

6 Winter Crafts

There are tons of pine cones, acorns and fallen pine branches that you can collect during a walk to make some really fun and creative winter crafts. Put them all together to make a wreath for a neighbor, or put some peanut butter and bird seeds on the pine cone to hang up for the winter birds and other critters outside!

7 Visit a Museum

The winter is a great time to visit a museum, especially one that you haven’t been to before. It’s something you can do indoors to stay warm while enjoying a wonderful exhibit. Don’t just go to the movies this year, go to a museum to get a better family experience where your kids can learn and interact with new things.

What are some family winter activities you have planned this season?

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