Reading is important for a child's learning and building upon healthy imaginative minds. In fact, a little reading is far better than a lot of television, don't you think? Here is a collection of seven books that I feel are perfect additions to your child's bookcase!
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1. Gulliver's Travels
Price: $4.99 at
Every child needs this classic in their collection, don't you think? Follow Lemuel Gulliver as he makes several adventures into the land of the little and big, as he serves and amuses the kings and queens of his time. This is definitely a story for boosting the imagination of your young children!
2. Treasure Island
Price: $7.95 at
What adult hasn't at least heard, if not read, the amazing story of Treasure Island? At the very least, what boy has never heard of it, right? Jim, a young boy in the Colonial England times, discovers a treasure map in a dead pirates chest. His adventures include meeting the terrible Long John Silver Ben Gunn, a half-crazy man that had been left on the island for years. This is a tale with adventure and fun around it's every bend!
3. Goodnight, Moon
Price: $10.58 at
What a perfect book to put your precious child to sleep by. Read as a young child tells everything goodnight.
4. The Poky Little Puppy
Price: $8.99 at
The Poky Little Puppy used to be my favorite book as a child. I loved how the poky puppy always seemed to get the goods until in the end, when he was caught. As a child, I found it very enjoyable, as will your children too!
5. On the Night You Were Born
Price: $10.17 at
This is such an awesome little book for your precious little one. It's sure to be just as special to you as it will be to your child, as you read to them and remember the day that special bundle of joy was placed in your arms!
6. The Secret Garden
Price: $11.96 at
The Secret Garden is a fun story filled with miracles of healing of the both the body and soul. It all starts with a young girl whose parents want nothing to do with her, and so in time, she ends up at her uncles estate. It's a sad and dreary place since the master's wife died ten years before. In time, Mary brings to life the secret garden that has also been shut up since the death of it's mistress. This garden is a magical place full of beauty and grace. When the master's invalid son is discovered and brought to the gardens, he too is put on the road of healing. Soon after, the book ends with the reconciliation of father and son and much joy! This is a great book for that young girl in your home!
7. Oliver Twist
Price: $8.00 at
Oliver Twist is an early version of your typical "rags to riches" stories. I like this one very much, though. Little Oliver, motherless from birth, leads a hard life in England. From workhouse to despised apprentice to even a forced criminal, this young boy has seen the dark side of life. But in time, fate changes his course of life, and in the end, after many twists and turns along the way, he lives happily, and quite wealthy with family that loves and cares for him very much.
I love reading. In my opinion, reading is the gateway to a beautiful imagination! I sure your you enjoy this list of books for your children! Do you have any book suggestions you'd like to add? Please feel free to!
Top Photo Credit: pomfret library