8 Things Teenage Boys like to do ...

Aprille Aug 26, 2024

8 Things Teenage Boys like to do ...
8 Things Teenage Boys like to do ...

My boys and their friends can get a bit rambunctious at times, but they do make life very interesting. I enjoy hearing their stories, most of the time, and I am constantly being updated as to what’s ‘cool’ today and what isn’t. I’m sure my boys and their friends are typical teens. However, we do live out in the country, so some of the things listed below might not be a city-boy’s idea of fun. Here are 8 things teenage boys like to do in our neck of the woods.

Quiz: Discover Your Teenage Boy Preferences


What is your favorite outdoor activity?

8. Campout

Once warmer weather hits, I rarely see the boys in the house. They’ve made a campsite down the hill on our property and each of their friends has camping areas set up at their own homes. The boys rotate camping sites during the spring, summer, and sometimes even into the fall. During extremely warm weather they don’t even bother taking a tent to set up for sleeping in. They seem to get a kick out of ‘roughing it’ sometimes.

7. Skateboard through Town

Thankfully we don’t live in an area where skateboarding through town has been banned. I think this is a great thing, since there is very little for teens to do anyway. Why take away something that they enjoy that isn’t harming anyone?

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6. Have a Contest Amongst Them as to Who Has the Loudest Bodily Functions

This can be quite the contest and sometimes it turns into one that causes me to leave the room. Boys. If you know of any teenage boys, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. The louder the bodily function, the more laughter there is. Once the weather turns warm, I usually send them outside for these ‘contests’.


Teenage boys are often full of energy and enthusiasm and can find joy in the most mundane activities. One of the things teenage boys like to do is have a contest amongst themselves as to who has the loudest bodily functions. This can be a source of great entertainment to the boys, and often laughter can be heard from the room.

The contests usually take place when the weather is warm, and the boys can move outside. It is not uncommon for the adults to leave the room when the contest begins, as the bodily functions can often be quite loud and disruptive.

The contest is a great way for teenage boys to bond and have fun with each other. It is also a way for them to express their creativity and show off their skills. The boys can also show off their competitive spirit and their ability to think on their feet.

The contests can also be a great opportunity for the boys to learn about themselves and their bodies. They can learn how to control their bodily functions and understand the importance of good hygiene. It is also a great way for them to learn about the importance of respect for themselves and others.

5. Take Dirt Bikes or 4-wheelers on the Back Roads

The beauty of living in the country is that there are tons of dirt roads and open fields to ride 4-wheelers and dirt bikes on. It seems that most kids around here learn to ride a motor bike or 4-wheeler before ever learning how to ride a bicycle. Somehow, teenage boys always seem to find a mud puddle, no matter where they end up riding. Hmmm. Interesting!

4. Shoot Targets

Fancy targets can be purchased in sporting good stores, but the nearest sports supply store around here is a 3 hour drive. So, the boys and their friends have come up with their own targets to shoot at. These consist of old pots and pans, tin cans, and random shapes cut out of cardboard. Each target is hung on an outer branch in a variety of trees in the front yard. Everyone else’s yard must look like ours because no one ever drives up and questions the random things dangling from branches in the front yard.

3. Go Muddin’

This is an actual sport around here. The teenage boys all get together and take their big 4-wheel drive trucks out in a muddy field and race each other. They simply call it ‘muddin’. This event usually takes place on a Saturday. If they can’t find a muddy field, then they sometimes make their own. School on Monday involves showing off how muddy each boy got his truck over the weekend. The more mud there is caked on the vehicle, the cooler it is.

2. Hang out with Friends

As you can already see, friends are involved in just about every aspect, when it comes to teenage boys. They are like a bunch of puppies. They pile together to watch movies, wrestle constantly, and are always looking for something to do as a group.

1. Play Video Games

Playing video games is a regular occurrence here. The boys get online and play against their friends who have Internet access. Occasionally they’ll rope me into a game, but I’m no match for them. They know I’m terrible at their shooting games, but it’s still nice of them to ask me to play from time to time.

This is the list I’ve been able to come up with of 8 things teenage boys like to do. What else do you think belongs on this list?

Top Photo Credit: harryintheboro

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